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RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design Andrei Grebennikov
Wiley. The increase of consumer electronics and communications applications using Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave circuits has implications for oscillator design. Applications working at higher frequencies and using novel technologies have led to a demand for more robust circuits with higher performance and functionality, but decreased costs, size and power consumption. As a result, there is also a need for more efficient oscillators. This book presents up to date information on all aspects of oscillator design, enabling a selection of the best oscillator topologies with optimized noise reduction and electrical performance. "RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design" covers: analyses of non-linear circuit design methods including spectral-domain analysis, time-domain analysis and the quasilinear method; information on noise in oscillators including chapters on varactor and oscillator frequency tuning, CMOS voltage-controlled oscillators and wideband......
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W Is for Woof: A Dog Alphabet (Sleeping Bear Alphabets: Animal)
Ruth Strother...
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Secret Sabertooth (#3 in PaleoJoe's Dinosaur Detective Club series) (Paleojoe's Dinosaur Detective Club)
Wendy Caszatt-allen...
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Yoga Psychology and the Transformation of Consciousness: Seeing Through the Eyes of Infinity Don Salmon, Jan Maslow
Paragon House Publishers. This book helps us to see and understand, from a spiritual perspective, our flaws and limitations as well as our potential for nobility and compassion. In very practical ways, it shows us how we can turn inward, awaken to the Divine presence within, and allow That to infuse and transform us as individuals and a society....
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This Wasn't Supposed to Happen to Me: 10 Make-or-Break Choices When Life Steals Your Dreams and Rocks Your World Bev Smallwood
Thomas Nelson. Blending scientifically-validated psychological truths with spiritual principles, Dr. Beverly Smallwood enables readers to overcome the unexpected and unthinkable. Giving readers a roadmap of 10 major choices, she offers hope that no matter what has happened, going forward, we all have the power to choose. Through the power of choice readers will be able to move from: Denial to Reality; Victimhood to Responsibility; Why to How; Doubt to Faith; Bitterness to Forgiveness; Guilt to Self-Forgiveness; Depression to Grief; Avoidance to Courage; Isolation to Connection; Powerlessness to Purpose....
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RF and Microwave Transistor Oscillator Design. Andrei Grebennikov . Книги.
Сыктывкар, Ногинск, ВеликийНовгород, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Казань, Казань, Улан-Удэ, Дербент, Грозный, Муром, Кызыл, Тверь, Краснодар, Братск,
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