Личностная, гендерная и профессиональная идентичность: теория и методы диагностики

Шнейдер Л.Б.

  Личностная, гендерная и профессиональная идентичность: теория и методы диагностики  Шнейдер Л.Б.  Пособие представляет собой теоретический анализ феномена идентичности и блок методик, позволяющих осуществлять диагностику личностной, тендерной и профессиональной идентичности. Издание адресовано студентам и аспирантам психологических вузов, а также может быть полезно практикующим психологам и преподавателям.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Пособие представляет собой теоретический анализ феномена идентичности и блок методик, позволяющих осуществлять диагностику личностной, тендерной и профессиональной идентичности. Издание адресовано студентам и аспирантам психологических вузов, а также может быть полезно практикующим психологам и преподавателям....

Revolution of the Mind, Revised Edition: The Life of Andre Breton

Mark Polizzotti

  Revolution of the Mind, Revised Edition: The Life of Andre Breton  Mark Polizzotti  Aptly described by playwright Eugene Ionesco as Aptly described by playwright Eugene Ionesco as "one of the four or five great reformers of modern thought", Andre Breton (1896-1966) was the founder and prime mover of Surrealism, the most influential artistic and literary movement of the 20th century. Poet and theorist, artistic impresario and political agitator, Breton was a man of paradoxical character: inspiring one moment, crushingly tyrannical the next; embracing friends like Brunuel, Dali, Duchamp, Miro, Man Ray, Aragon and Eluard, only to exile them as enemies later. From its emergence from Dada after World War I through its culmination in the 1960s, here is the Surrealist world in detail....

Artists Experiencing Immigration: How We View Our Artistic Expression in the Context of Dramatic Change

Diana Barabas

  Artists Experiencing Immigration: How We View Our Artistic Expression in the Context of Dramatic Change  Diana Barabas  Feeling at home in today?s rapidly changing world is a project rather than a given. More and more individuals, even entire communities must leave behind their familiar environments. Within this context, displacement can be interpreted as an identity crisis; one which puts into question, and at times suspends, the possibility of telling a coherent story thus allowing the storyteller to be a powerful, creative agent. The guiding questions of this book relate notions of identity, displacement and art. As artists, what are our particular ways of addressing the issue of identity in the context of immigration? What are our strategies of relocation? What are the implications for art education? To answer these questions the author gathered and analyzed the life narratives of three recent immigrant women who use art to express themselves. Included in this analysis are reflections related to the author?s immigration from native Romania to Canada. Focusing on the artists? accounts, the book...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Feeling at home in today?s rapidly changing world is a project rather than a given. More and more individuals, even entire communities must leave behind their familiar environments. Within this context, displacement can be interpreted as an identity crisis; one which puts into question, and at times suspends, the possibility of telling a coherent story thus allowing the storyteller to be a powerful, creative agent. The guiding questions of this book relate notions of identity, displacement and art. As artists, what are our particular ways of addressing the issue of identity in the context of immigration? What are our strategies of relocation? What are the implications for art education? To answer these questions the author gathered and analyzed the life narratives of three recent immigrant women who use art to express themselves. Included in this analysis are reflections related to the author?s immigration from native Romania to Canada. Focusing on the artists? accounts, the book......

Сериал "Ксанф". Комплект из 17 книг

Пирс Энтони

  Сериал АСТ. Век Дракона. Взрослые тайны, Кобылка-Страшилка, Цвета ее тайны, Дракон на пьедестале, Искатель искомого, Источник магии, Огр! Огр!, Замок Ругна, Чары для хамелеонши, Время Гарпии, Голем в оковах, Небесное сольдо, Демоны не спят, Долина прокопиев, Мэрфи из Обыкновении, Волшебный Коридор, Жгучая ложь. Американский писатель-фантаст, полное имя - Пирс Энтони Диллингэм Джекобс (Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob), автор более сотни книг (к началу 2001 года их число составило 119). Знаменит тем, что создал, наверное, самое большое количество всевозможных сериалов, уже переваливших за десяток. Энтони опубликовал книги «на все буквы алфавита», от Anthonology до Zombie Lover, всего более сотни произведений. Книги его относятся преимущественно к жанру фэнтези, есть также научная фантастика. Самый многочисленный и, как оказалось, самый популярный цикл Пирс Энтони начал в 1977 году книгой «Чары для хамелеонши». Действие романа и всего цикла происходит в магической стране Ксанф (Xanth), где совершается масса подвигов, где слезы и радость соседствуют с магией и волшебством, где драконы являются не самыми диковинными видами местной фауны. Популярность серии принесло талантливое, изобретательное описание мира. Наряду с мягким юмором и легкостью стиля, читатель находит в романах скрытые......

I Am Potential: Eight Lessons on Living, Loving, and Reaching Your Dreams

Patrick Henry Hughes, Patrick John Hughes

  I Am Potential: Eight Lessons on Living, Loving, and Reaching Your Dreams  Patrick Henry Hughes, Patrick John Hughes  Patrick Henry Hughes was born with a rare genetic disorder that left him without eyes and physically disabled. But he was blessed with rare musical talent—able to play the piano as a baby. Today, at age twenty, he is a nationally known pianist, singer, trumpeter, and marching-band member. With determined optimism, Hughes made “I am potential” his mantra, defying his disabilities at every turn.In I Am Potential, Hughes and his father share their extraordinary journey and describe the eight critical lessons at the heart of their success. Simply and candidly written, I Am Potential is an inspiration for anyone facing their own challenges.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Patrick Henry Hughes was born with a rare genetic disorder that left him without eyes and physically disabled. But he was blessed with rare musical talent—able to play the piano as a baby. Today, at age twenty, he is a nationally known pianist, singer, trumpeter, and marching-band member. With determined optimism, Hughes made “I am potential” his mantra, defying his disabilities at every turn.In I Am Potential, Hughes and his father share their extraordinary journey and describe the eight critical lessons at the heart of their success. Simply and candidly written, I Am Potential is an inspiration for anyone facing their own challenges....

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Личностная, гендерная и профессиональная идентичность: теория и методы диагностики. Шнейдер Л.Б. . Книги.

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