
  Анаконда  Юнацтва.   Библиотека приключений и фантастики.   В этом сборнике представлены произведения признанных мастеров, которые пишут в жанре фантастики. Среди них — роман К.Саймака, рассказы Жерара Клейна, Фредрика Брауна, Бертрана Чендлера и др. Все эти произведения объединяет тема многообразия форм разумной жизни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Юнацтва. Библиотека приключений и фантастики. В этом сборнике представлены произведения признанных мастеров, которые пишут в жанре фантастики. Среди них — роман К.Саймака, рассказы Жерара Клейна, Фредрика Брауна, Бертрана Чендлера и др. Все эти произведения объединяет тема многообразия форм разумной жизни....

Zig Zag Zebra (Barefoot Young Artists)

Madeline Deny Barroux

  Zig Zag Zebra (Barefoot Young Artists)  Madeline Deny Barroux  Every child who is free to play at drawing is preparing to learn how to read and write at the same time. So, encourage the children in your life to draw, paint, color in, copy and doodle, and you will help them to develop their literacy skills along the way. Zig Zag Zebra contains 22 activities for kids: mazes, coloring pages, seek-and-finds and more!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Every child who is free to play at drawing is preparing to learn how to read and write at the same time. So, encourage the children in your life to draw, paint, color in, copy and doodle, and you will help them to develop their literacy skills along the way. Zig Zag Zebra contains 22 activities for kids: mazes, coloring pages, seek-and-finds and more!...

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook

Timothy M. Virtue

  Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook  Timothy M. Virtue  Wiley.   Clearly written and easy to use, Wiley. Clearly written and easy to use, "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Handbook" is your single source along the journey to compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), addressing the payment card industry standard that includes requirements for security management, protection of customer account data, policies, procedures, network architecture, software design, and other critical protective measures. This all-inclusive resource facilitates a deeper understanding of how to put compliance into action while maintaining your business objectives. Формат: 16 см х 23,5 см....

How to make an IMPACT: Influence, inform and impress with your reports, presentations and business documents (Financial Times Series)

Jon Moon

  How to make an IMPACT: Influence, inform and impress with your reports, presentations and business documents (Financial Times Series)  Jon Moon  Clear information shows clear thinking, and clear thinking informs, influences and impresses. How often do you stare at uninviting and confusing presentations, notes, reports and information packs and get nothing out of them? It doesn't have to be like this. We could all produce amazingly clear work that has incredible impact if only we knew how. This book shows you how. It is full of ideas, tips and principles that are simple and easy to implement, yet brilliantly effective.You will never look at a business document in the same way again. And your work will impress the people that matter and get the results you want. It guides you through the most effective ways of using all forms of presenting information - tables, charts, slides, flowcharts, etc. Moon also introduces the new WiT (Words in Tables) approach to give impact to your message on all documents and slides. Clear information shows clear thinking, and clear thinking informs, influences and impresses. How often do you stare at uninviting and confusing presentations, notes, reports and information packs and get nothing out of them? It doesn't have to be like this. We could all produce amazingly clear work that has incredible impact if only we knew how. This book shows you how. It is full of ideas, tips and principles that are simple and easy to implement, yet brilliantly effective.You will never look at a business document in the same way again. And your work will impress the people that matter and get the results you want. It guides you through the most effective ways of using all forms of presenting information - tables, charts, slides, flowcharts, etc. Moon also introduces the new WiT (Words in Tables) approach to give impact to your message on all documents and slides. "Every once in a while, simple ideas change business forever - this book is full of such ideas. A must-read if you......

Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation

Constantine Andriopoulos, Patrick M B Dawson

  Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation  Constantine Andriopoulos, Patrick M B Dawson  Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation brings together comprehensive aspects of change and innovation management, providing students with an accessible and wide-ranging resource for study, debate and inspiration. Balancing theory with practice, this book looks at the human side of managing change and creativity, treating them as interdependent aspects of management and organizations. Topics include: Historical overview of business practice and theory Understanding creativity and change Managing individuals, teams, and nurturing creativity The creative economy and future of organizations Key Features: Covers of all the important recent research in the field Presents real-life topical case studies taken from the Financial Times Provides interactive resources at the end of each chapter, including questions, exercises, topics for debate, recommended reading and web resources Offers a revision quiz at the end of each chapter This book will be of interest to undergraduate students of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation brings together comprehensive aspects of change and innovation management, providing students with an accessible and wide-ranging resource for study, debate and inspiration. Balancing theory with practice, this book looks at the human side of managing change and creativity, treating them as interdependent aspects of management and organizations. Topics include: Historical overview of business practice and theory Understanding creativity and change Managing individuals, teams, and nurturing creativity The creative economy and future of organizations Key Features: Covers of all the important recent research in the field Presents real-life topical case studies taken from the Financial Times Provides interactive resources at the end of each chapter, including questions, exercises, topics for debate, recommended reading and web resources Offers a revision quiz at the end of each chapter This book will be of interest to undergraduate students of......

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