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Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 3: Advanced Application Development Ben Forta, Charlie Arehart, Jeffrey Bouley, Jeff Tapper, Matt Tatam
Adobe Press. The ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit is the best-selling ColdFusion series of all time—used by more ColdFusion developers to learn the product than any other books. Volume 3, Advanced Application Development introduces advanced ColdFusion features and technologies, including ensuring high availability, security and access control implementations, Java and .NET integration, using feeds and web services, connecting to IM networks, and server OS integration. Complete coverage of ColdFusion 8 starts in Volume 1, Getting Started (ISBN 0-321-51548-X) and Volume 2 Application Development (ISBN 0-321-51546-3)....
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The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass Stephen King
A Signet Book. Roland and his band of followers have narrowly escaped one world and slipped into the next. There Roland tells them a tale of long-ago love and adventure involving a beautiful and quixotic woman named Susan Delgado. And before long, Roland is drawn into an ancient mystery of spellbinding magic and supreme menace... Формат: 10,5 см х 17,5 см....
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Uncle Vanya Anton Chekhov
Dover Publications. Dover Thrift Editions. First produced by the Moscow Art Theater in 1899, Uncle Vanya is one of Chekhov's greatest plays and a staple of the theatrical repertoire. Both structurally and psychologically compact, it is among the most expressive of the Russian playwrights dramatic works. Set on an estate in nineteenth-century Russia, this deeply emotional tale of misplaced idealism and unrequited love concerns the complex interrelationships between a retired professor, his second wife, and his brother-in-law and daughter from a previous marriage. In deceptively mundane dialogue, the characters reveal their private tragedies-weakness and inability to communicate-the failures that lead them to lives of frustration and despair. Nevertheless, Chekhov's delineation of human frailties elicits sympathy for even the most irresolute and deluded characters, and the play's underlying message is one of courage and hope. Essential reading for any course in modern theater, this absorbing play continues to be......
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У-Фактория. На страницах этой книги можно найти все или почти все о кофе: историю его открытия и распространения, особенности произрастания, описание сортов и видов, способы и тонкости приготовления. Вы окунетесь в атмосферу европейских и американских кафе, откроете множество рецептов приготовления этого популярного напитка, а также изысканных десертов - в дополнение к нему. Для всех, кто любит кофе....
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I Want To Live: The Diary of a Young Girl in Stalin's Russia
Nina Lugovskaya...
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Adobe ColdFusion 8 Web Application Construction Kit, Volume 3: Advanced Application Development. Ben Forta, Charlie Arehart, Jeffrey Bouley, Jeff Tapper, Matt Tatam . Книги.
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