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The Beach House Mary Alice Monroe
Known for her moving characters and emotional honesty, Mary Alice Monroe brings readers a beautifully rendered story that explores the fragile yet enduring bond between mothers and daughters. Carette Rutledge thought she'd left her Southern roots and troubled family far behind. But an unusual request from her mother -- coming just as her own life is spinning out of control -- has Cara heading back to the scenic Lowcountry of her childhood summers. Before long, the rhythms of the island open her heart in wonderful ways as she repairs the family beach house, becomes a bona fide "turtle lady" and renews old acquaintances with her mother that she will earn life's most precious lessons -- true love involves sacrifice, family is forever and the mistakes of the past can be forgiven....
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Babylonian Tarot Sandra Tabatha Cicero
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset77 Avenir;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\keepn\nowidctlpar\sa130\sl340\slmult0\qj\tx360\cf1\f0\fs18 Over four thousand years ago, the Sumerians built the world's first cities near the fertile floodplains of ancient Mesopotamia, or Babylonia, as it would later become known. Their sophisticated civilization was so influential that elements of Sumerian culture, including their mythology and alphabet, would survive for millennia. \par \par \expndtw-2 Traces of Babylonian myth can even be found in the Hebrew Scriptures and, according to Golden Dawn Adept and Tarot artist Sandra Tabatha Cicero, the powerful deities and mysterious incantations of this ancient culture can also be seen as the very root of Western Ceremonial Magick. \expndtw0\i Babylonian Tarot\expndtw-2\i0 is beautifully original in concept and design, yet faithful to tarot tradition. The only tarot......
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OpenGL(R) Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL(R), Version 2 (5th Edition) OpenGL Architecture Review Board, Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis
OpenGL is a powerful software interface for graphics hardware that allows graphics programmers to produce high-quality color images of 3D objects. The functions in the OpenGL library enable programmers to build geometric models, view models interactively in 3D space, control color and lighting, manipulate images, and perform such tasks as alpha blending, antialiasing, depth cueing, and texture mapping. The OpenGL Reference Manual, Second Edition , documents all OpenGL functions, including brand new features recently approved by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) for inclusion in OpenGL, Version 1.1. The ARB is an industry consortium responsible for defining OpenGL, composed of such industry leaders as Digital Equipment Corporation, Evans & Sutherland, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, IBM, Intergraph, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, and Silicon Graphics. Each reference page fully describes: C specifications, relevant parameters, the effects of functions, possible errors......
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Painting Your Favorite Birds Step by Step Nancy Dale Kinney
Beginning painters have always been inspired by the bright colors and delightful variety of their favorite garden birds, and here is a book that gives painters all the tools they need to let their work take flight. Painting Your Favorite Birds Step by Step features: * An easy-to-master technique that allows readers to paint quickly without sacrificing results * 26 projects, from beloved American birds, such as the cardinal to European favorites like the Bohemian waxwing * Simple instructions for stunning background effects, as well as mix-and-match design elements such as flowers, branches and nests...
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The Civil War Paintings of Mort Kunstler, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Antietam Mort Kunstler
For nearly thirty years, Mort KA?nstler has focused his considerable artistic talent on interpreting the Civil War. In crafting his work to reflect poignant moments or critical circumstances of the conflict, he has turned to leading historians and scholars?such as Henry Steele Commager, James McPherson, William C. Davis, and James I. Robertson Jr.?for informative details that he has then translated on canvas to create an indelible image of this defining ordeal in America's history. More than 160 of these images?supplemented by preliminary sketches, early studies, and photographs of works in progress?are the basis for these four volumes. KA?nstler has also explored the human side of this national struggle. Thus he has produced thoughtful studies of leaders at decisive moments, instances of daily camp life for the soldiers, and those early romantic notions that it would be a bloodless war, predicated on the belief that a show of inner strength would prevail. ......
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The Beach House. Mary Alice Monroe . Книги.
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