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Америка, Бог, Любовь. Афоризмы и зарисовки с натуры ученого-врача Эдуард Амбарцумян
Тигран Мец. В литературе сегодня можно найти массу высказываний великих людей, кочующих из одного издания в другое. Однако многие из них, говоря деликатно, сегодня не кажутся такими уж свежими. Отсюда нескромная до оригинальности идея книги: вместо неактуальных мыслей необычных людей опубликовать актуальные мысли обычного человека. Э.Амбарцумян...
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"Битлз" - любовь моя А. Багиров
Парус. Издание представляет развернутую историю "Битлз" с иллюстрациями, подробными справочными материалами о дискографии, фильмографии и библиографии всех работ ливерпульской четверки....
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Ethics and the Business of Bioscience Margaret L. Eaton
Book DescriptionBusinesses that produce bioscience products?gene tests and therapies, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and medical devices?are regularly confronted with ethical issues concerning these technologies. Conflicts exist between those who support advancements in bioscience and those who fear the consequences of unfettered scientific license. As the debate surrounding bioscience grows, it will be increasingly important for business managers to consider the larger consequences of their work. This groundbreaking book follows industry research, development, and marketing of medical and bioscience products across a variety of fields, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and bio-agriculture. Compelling and current case studies highlight the ethical decisions business managers frequently face. With the increasing visibility and public expectation placed on businesses in this sector, managers need to understand the ethical and social issues. This book addresses that need......
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Options for Global Trade Reform : A View from the Asia-Pacific (Trade and Development)
Book DescriptionIn November 2001 the members of the World Trade Organization approved the start of new trade talks at the WTO ministerial meeting in Doha. Written by a team of authors from developing and developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region, this collection of essays identifies ways that progress might be made on key negotiating topics. The negotiations launched will focus on such problematic issues as improving market access in agriculture, and strengthening the development impacts of WTO which, if achieved, will have profound implications on world trade....
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Mission Possible : Achieving Outperformance in a Low-Return World Michael Oyster
Book DescriptionCan a celebrity fund manager truly beat the market? Can an individual investor fiddling with a blue chip portfolio achieve a stellar rate of return? "Not likely," says veteran analyst Mike Oyster. "Our low-return world calls for cutting-edge solutions." In Mission Possible , financial whiz Oyster demystifies investing in today’s volatile climate. Written for intermediate and advanced investors, this book provides a highly critical review of "active management" investment practices. Showing that active investing provides only an illusion of control, the author tells readers exactly how to outperform the market without ever timing it or picking stocks. According to Oyster, the convergence of new theory, regulation, and technology will inhibit traditional active investors from achieving their goals. Lightning-fast delivery of electronic data gives everyone the same information at the same time. Mission Possible also debunks the myth of the "alpha......
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Америка, Бог, Любовь. Афоризмы и зарисовки с натуры ученого-врача. Эдуард Амбарцумян . Книги.
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