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Absolute Returns: The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing Alexander M. Ineichen, Alexander Ineichen
"The world of investing floats on a vast sea of words, most of which are obvious, simple-minded, and cliches, and all of those are dangerous to financial health. The story in this book bears no relation to all that stuff. Ineichen?s message is original, powerful, comprehensive, and essential to robust financial health. The literary clarity he blends with his financial wisdom is an additional blessing." ?Peter L. Bernstein, President, Peter L. Bernstein, Inc., author of Against the Gods and The Power of Gold "No one can afford to risk money in hedge funds without reading this comprehensive guide. The details are illuminating, presentation captivating, analysis brilliant and lessons profound. A wonderful contribution to the hedge fund literature." ?Prof. Narayan Y. Naik, Director, Centre for Hedge Fund Research and Education, London Business School "A good understanding of the working of the hedge fund market and hedge fund......
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Public Finance: A Normative Theory, Second Edition
Featuring a general equilibrium framework that is both cohesive and versatile, the Second Edition of Public Finance: A Normative Theory brings new and updated information to this classic text. Through its concentration on the microeconomic theoryof the public sector in the context of capitalist market economics it addresses the subjects traditionally at the heart of public sector economics, including public good theory, theory of taxation, welfare analysis, externalities, tax incidence, cost benefit analysis, and fiscal federalism. Its goal of providing a foundation, rather than attempting to present the most recent scholarship in detail, makes this Second Edition both a valuable text and a resource for professionals. * Second edition provides new and updated information * Focuses on the heart of public sector economics, including public expenditure theory and policy, tax theory and policy, cost benefit-analysis, and fiscal federalism * Features a cohesive......
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Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance Lynne Viola
The first book to document the peasant rebellion against Soviet collectivization, Peasant Rebels Under Stalin retrieves a crucial lost chapter from the history of Stalinist Russia. The peasant revolt against collectivization, as reconstructed by author Lynne Viola, was the most violent and sustained resistance to the Soviet state after the Russian Civil War. Conservative estimates suggest that over the course of the 1020s and early 1930s, more than 1,100 people were assassinated, more than 13,000 villages rioted, and over 2.5 million people participated in this active struggle of resistance. This book is about the men and women who tried to preserve their families, communities, and beliefs from the depredations of Stalinism. Their acts were often heroic, but these heroes were homespun, ordinary people who were driven to acts of desperation by cruel and brutal state policies. This is a study of peasant community, culture, and politics through the prism of resistance. Based on......
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The Betrayal of Local 14 Julius Getman
International Paper, the richest paper company and largest landowner in the United States, enjoyed record profits and gave large bonuses to executives in 1987, that same year the company demanded that employees take a substantial paycut, sacrifice hundreds of jobs, and forego their Christmas holiday. At the Adroscoggin Mill in Jay, Maine, twelve hundred workers responded by going on strike from June 1987 to October 1988. Local union members mobilized an army of volunteers but International Paper brought in permanent replacement workers and the strike was ultimately lost. Julius G. Getman tells the story of that strike and its implications--a story of a community changing under pressure; of surprising leaders, strategists, and orators emerging; of lifelong friendships destroyed and new bonds forged. At a time when the role of organized labor is in transition, Getman suggests, this strike has particular significance. He documents the early negotiations, the battle for public......
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The Politics of Freeing Markets in Latin America: Chile, Argentina, and Mexico Judith A. Teichman
In the 1980s and 1990s, nations throughout Latin America experienced the dual transformations of market liberalizing reforms and democratization. Since then, perhaps no issue has been more controversial among those who study the region than the exact nature of the relationship between these two processes. Bringing a much-needed comparative perspective to the discussion, Judith Teichman examines the politics of market reform in Chile, Argentina, and Mexico, analyzing its implications for democratic practices in each case. Teichman considers both internal and external influences on the process of Latin American market reform, anchoring her investigation in the historical, political, and cultural contexts unique to each country, while also highlightingthe important role played by such international actors as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Informed by interviews with more than one hundred senior officials involved in the reform process, her analysis reveals......
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Absolute Returns: The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing. Alexander M. Ineichen, Alexander Ineichen . Книги.
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