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На краю русской речи Лобычев А.
Книга известного дальневосточного критика Александра Лобычева, собрание увлекательных сюжетов, посвященных литературе Дальнего Востока, начиная с 1920-х гг. Автор пишет о крупных русских писателях в эмиграции на Дальнем Востоке. Это Лариса Андерсен, Арсений Несмелов, отец и сын Юрий и Валерий Янковские и другие. В сборник вошли также портреты и размышления о творчестве современных дальневосточных писателей - от известного поэта Геннадия Лысенко до прозаика Бориса Казанова, живущего теперь в Израиле. Завершают книгу эссе о знаменитых японских писателях - Кавабата, Мисима и Мураками....
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Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology Susan Kozel
The MIT Press. In "Closer", Susan Kozel draws on live performance practice, digital technologies, and the philosophical approach of phenomenology. Trained in dance and philosophy, Kozel places the human body at the center of explorations of interactive interfaces, responsive systems, and affective computing, asking what can be discovered as we become closer to our computers-as they become extensions of our ways of thinking, moving, and touching. Performance, Kozel argues, can act as a catalyst for understanding wider social and cultural uses of digital technology. Taking this one step further, performative acts of sharing the body through our digital devices foster a collaborative construction of new physical states, levels of conscious awareness, and even ethics. We reencounter ourselves and others through our interactive computer systems. What we need now are conceptual and methodological frameworks to reflect this. Kozel offers a timely reworking of the phenomenology of French......
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Mary Engelbreit's Classic Library: The Secret Garden (Mary Engelbreit's Classic Library)
Frances Hodgson Burnett...
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Sterling Point Books: Ben Franklin: Inventing America (Sterling Point Books)
Thomas Fleming...
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Kitchen Memories: A Legacy of Family Recipes from Around the World Anne Snape Parsons, Alexandra Greeley
Capital Books. Memories of grandmother's cooking are warm, inviting, sustaining and comforting, but most people have not taken the time to preserve their family's favorite recipes. As a result, many treasured recipes are lost to the fast-food generation 'overtaken by pizza delivery, eating out and convenience foods. Kitchen Memories aims to slow that trend down with a lovingly compiled collection of 120 family recipes from 25 countries' handed down from one generation to the next and gathered from families and cooks. The authors, leaders in the Slow Food movement, have interviewed hundreds of people who have shared their most precious recipes, the ones they want to pass on to their children and grandchildren. The process of talking about family recipes triggered many happy memories for the book's contributors, and as such, each recipe includes detailed homespun cooking tips and sidebars rich with personal stories of family and food. Twenty-five countries are featured including the U.S. and some of......
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На краю русской речи. Лобычев А. . Книги.
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