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Seattle and Beyond: The WTO Millennium Round Patrick Grady, Kathleen Maccmillan, Kathleen Macmillan
This book is a comprehensive guide to the Millennium Round of multilateral trade negotiations which will be launched at the Third WTO Ministerial Meeting in Seattle in early December 1999. It deals in a readable way with the many difficult and controversial issues that will arise during the planned three-year negotiations. These include: the new trade areas like the environment, labour standards, e-commerce and competition policy; the issues that were new in the last Uruguay Round, such as trade in services and intellectual property rights, that are still far from resolved; and trade in agriculture, which is still badly in need of reform after a modest start in the last Round. This book will provide all those interested in international business anddomestic policy matters with the comprehensive overview they need to understand the dynamics of the WTO Millennium Round and the complex interaction of the trade and domestic policy issues....
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Europe for Women in Business Tracey Wilen, Patricia Wilen
Europe for Women in Business is a guidebook for women and men on business etiquette and protocol in the following countries: Britain, France, Germany and Italy. This easy to read book is suitable for the novice and expert business travels. Highlights in the book include tips on negotiating, business protocol, social etiquette and general tips for each country. Additional sections address safety issues, the status of women in each country as well as interesting travel tidbits. The book is in an easy to read format with anecdotes from women who travel on business to these countries as well as women who live in these countries....
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The Call Center Dictionary Madeline Bodin, Keith Dawson
Call Centers in Plain English Your company needs a call center to be competitive in the 21st century. This book is your guide to the technology, techniques, and trends in today's call centers. The Call Center Dictionary contains all the information you need to: Understand: Your boss, your vendors, the technicians from the telecom and IT departments. Here are the meanings of all those technical terms and that alphabet soup of acronyms. When you need to know whether to go with ISDN or the PSTN and whether a T-1 will help, you'll find all the answers here. Explain: To management, technicians, and new hires. It can be tough to explain terms you use in the call center every day to people with little call center experience. These definitions will let you express yourself clearly - so even executives will understand! Interpret: Technology sales literature and sales presentations. Find out what the vendor really means by those fancy buzzwords. Implement and Improve:......
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Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two-Income Economy Jonni McCoy
Save Thousands of Dollars a Year Jonni McCoy and her family are proof that you live on one income. The McCoys made a successful transition from two incomes to one while living in one of the most expensive parts of America: the San Francisco Bay Area. Her Miserly Guidelines will help you save thousands of dollars a year on everything from groceries to electricity to insurance and household cleaners?as well as reveal the hidden costs of holding a job and common money wasters. Her practical, proven cost-saving techniques, strategies, tips, and recipes will help you live frugally without feeling deprived....
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Молекулярная физика и термодинамика. Конспект лекций Е. Б. Постников
Приор-издат. Конспект лекций. В помощь студенту. Настоящим изданием мы продолжаем серию "Конспект лекций. В помощь студенту", в которую входят лучшие конспекты лекций по дисциплинам, изучаемым в технических вузах (в том числе физико-математических и инженерных специальностей). Материал приведен в соответствие с учебной программой курса "Молекулярная физика и термодинамика". Используя данную книгу при подготовке к сдаче экзамена, студенты смогут в предельно сжатые сроки систематизировать и конкретизировать знания, приобретенные в процессе изучения этой дисциплины; сосредоточить свое внимание на основных понятиях, их признаках и особенностях; сформулировать примерную структуру (план) ответов на возможные экзаменационные вопросы. Данная книга не является альтернативой учебникам для получения фундаментальных знаний, но служит пособием для успешной сдачи экзаменов....
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На главную
Seattle and Beyond: The WTO Millennium Round. Patrick Grady, Kathleen Maccmillan, Kathleen Macmillan . Книги.
Благовещенск, Мытищи, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Липецк, Электросталь, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Ухта, Новомосковск, Батайск, Пенза, Москва , Щёлково, Санкт-Петербург, Мурманск, Арзамас, Владимир, Красноярск, Арзамас, Мытищи, Санкт-Петербург, Норильск, Армавир, Оренбург, Глазов, Череповец, Невинномысск, Канск, Канск, Магнитогорск, Благовещенск,
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