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The Tax Law of Colleges and Universities, 2004 Cumulative Supplement (Nonprofit Law, Finance, and Management Series) Bertrand M. Harding
Book DescriptionThe 2004 Cumulative Supplement includes discussion of the following developments: Publication of final intermediate sanctions regulations replacing the temporary regulations that were issued in early 2001. Publication of the final corporate sponsorship regulations, which replaced the proposed regulations that were issued in early 2000. A final decision by the IRS to deny the claims filed by over 100 universities and hospitals for refunds of FICA/Medicare taxes with respect to the wages paid to medical residents. The issuance by the IRS of final regulations under section 6050S relating to the reporting requirements imposed on colleges and universities with respect to the receipt of qualified tuition payments....
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How to Overcome Your Secret Fear of Failure: Recognizing and Beating Your Achilles Syndrome Petruska Clarkson
Book Description Almost everyone has heard of an "Achilles heel,"--an expression derived from the Greek myth of the warrior who, when he was born, was dipped by his mother in the magical River Styx, but was held by the heel, which remained his vulnerable spot. A psychotherapist who is a consultant to many corporate leaders offers a brilliant analysis of the "Achilles Syndrome" of many people today who downplay their many strengths and talents and become consumed by real or imagined weakness. Revealing examples of famous people (made anonymous through composite case histories) show how the fear of "pseudo-competency" arises from a person's early experience in self-image, and how it's possible to close the gap between one's low assessment of oneself and the high assessments by others. The range of examples includes those of executives and middle managers as well as artists and musicians, spouses and parents, and even psychotherapists....
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101 Ways to Advertise Your Business : Building a Successful Business with Smart Advertising (101 . . . Series) Andrew Griffiths
Book Description Practical tips on advertising products and services simply, effectively, and without a big budget abound in this conversational business book. Step-by-step advice is offered on creating an advertisement, buying advertising space, andensuring that advertisements are effective. Advertising in newspapers, magazines, on the radio, television, the Internet, and on billboards are covered. Easily digested tips that take only one minute to read make sure advertisers get the most bang for their buck. A glossary of advertising terms, a guide to smart advertising words and phrases, and black forms and checklists round out this easy-to-use volume....
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Animation Jeremy Clarke
Pocket Essentials. Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are brief, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. In addition to an introduction to the subject, each topic is individually analyzed and reviewed, examining its impact on culture or history. There is also a reference section that lists related web sites and weightier (and more expensive) books on the subject. For media buffs, students, and inquiring minds, these are great entry–level books that build into an essential library....
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The Story of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Fu Wei-Kang
Book DescriptionAcupuncture and moxibustion are therapeutic methods characteristic in traditional Chinese medicine. They have a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. This book elucidates vividly and concisely the beginnings and development of these methods. It also describes how Chinese medical workers, following Chairman Mao?s teachings, explore the legacy of Chinese medicine and achieve new breakthroughs in this branch of medical science. Acupuncture anaesthesia is also covered....
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На главную
The Tax Law of Colleges and Universities, 2004 Cumulative Supplement (Nonprofit Law, Finance, and Management Series). Bertrand M. Harding . Книги.
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