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Facilitating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science Edwin E. Olson, Glenda H. Eoyang, Richard Beckhard, Peter Vaill
Looking for a highly effective alternative to traditional change models? Finally, an alternative to traditional change models-the science of complex adaptive systems (CAS). The authors explain how, rather than focusing on the macro "strategioc" level of the organization system, complexity theory suggests that the most powerful change processes occur at the micro level where relationship, interaction and simple rules shape emerging patterns. * Details how the emerging paradigm of a CAS affectsthe role of change agents * Tells how you can build the requisite skills to function in a CAS * Provides tips for thriving in that new paradigm "Olson and Eoyang do a superb job of using complexity science to develop numerous methods and tools that practitioners can immediately use to make their organizations more effective." --Kevin Dooley, Professor of Management and Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University...
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Graduating to the 9-5 World Jerry Bouchard
Congratulations! You've just received your diploma or degree after several years of hard work. You've acquired new skills and many fond student memories. Now it's on to a full-time job and a rewarding career. But wait a minute. Are you ready for what comes next? While you may have graduated from school, you have yet to graduate to the 9 - 5 world. If you are like many other graduates, you are about to encounter numerous 9 - 5 shocks. Many will be disappointments while others will be important career challenges. Graduating to the 9 - 5 World is every student's passport tot he realities of the work world. Former students, administrators, career professionals, and employers provide an insider's view of what it's really like working in a structured world where politics, productivity, and performance take center stage. Offering frank answers to numerous questions facing 9 - 5 rookies, they provide invaluable tips on how to best find, keep, and leave a job, from writing......
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European Monetary Unification: Theory, Practice, and Analysis Barry Eichengreen
"Barry Eichengreen has over the past decade raised the standard of the debate on Europe's monetary unification in a number of articles collected in this volume. He combines the skills of an econometrician with the accurate analysis and critical judgementof political decision process by an economic historian. By using the US experience of its currency union as a benchmark he has put challenging questions to European policy makers." -- Niels Thygesen, University of Copenhagen The process of European monetary unification (EMU) is approaching a critical juncture. At the beginning of 1998 the member states of the European Union will decide whether or not to go ahead with their monetary union and determine which countries qualify as members. There is a high likelihood that Stage III of the Maastricht process--monetary union itself--will commence on January 1, 1999, and that a single currency, to be known as the Euro, will replace the national currencies of the founding member states at......
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Thinking About Inequality: Personal Judgment and Income Distributions Frank Cowell, Yoram Amiel
What is inequality? In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in the subject that has yielded a substantial body of formal tools and results for income-distribution analysis. But does the standard axiomatic structure coincide with public perceptions of inequality? Or is the economist's concept of inequality a thing apart, perpetuated through serial brainwashing in the way the subject is studied and taught? Amiel and Cowell examine the evidence from a large international questionnaire experiment using student respondents. Along with basic "cake-sharing" issues, related questions involving social-welfare rankings, the relationship between inequality and overall income growth and the meaning of poverty comparisons are considered....
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Transforming Teaching in Math and Science: How Schools and Districts Can Support Change (Sociology of Education Series (New York, N.Y.).) Adam Gamoran
Teachers often want to learn new ideas and approaches to improve their teaching, but their efforts are often blocked by structural constraints in their districts and schools. How can schools overcome these barriers to provide more supportive environmentsfor change? The authors answer this question through the study of six cases of schools and districts where teachers and researchers collaborated to develop teaching for understanding in math and science. This new book features: * A new conceptual model of how school resources relate to teaching and learning, focusing not only on material resources such as time and money but also on human and social resources * Methods that administrators can use to support teachers who want to improve their teaching of math and science * Elements that professional developers should look for in a school environment when they are considering working with staff on teaching improvements * Answers to important questions, including how schools operate as......
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Facilitating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science. Edwin E. Olson, Glenda H. Eoyang, Richard Beckhard, Peter Vaill . Книги.
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