China Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  China Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  China Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Producers Directory  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин China Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Producers Directory...

Austria Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)

Ibp Usa

  Austria Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook (World Law Business Library)  Ibp Usa  Austria Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Austria Ecology & Nature Protection Laws and Regulation Handbook...

Long-term Care Insurance in the United States: Perspectives from Independent Insurance Agents

Emily J. Robbins

  Long-term Care Insurance in the United States: Perspectives from Independent Insurance Agents  Emily J. Robbins  Financing options currently available for long-term care are insufficient and poorly understood by consumers. Heavy reliance on public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid has led to considerable depletion of funds for both federal and state governments. With current long-term care costs reaching upwards of $74,000 per year, current mechanisms of payment are inadequate and will not survive the growing older adult population. Long-term care insurance was developed to curb reliance on public programs and mitigate private out-of-pocket payments. However, the marketing of this product is contributing to its demise. Personal interviews and historical data provide a qualitative descriptive study of how marketing practices of local independent insurance agents contribute to the impact of long-term care insurance as a finance model for long-term care. Modifications in marketing, including agent and consumer education and increased state regulation, will improve the ability of long-term care...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Financing options currently available for long-term care are insufficient and poorly understood by consumers. Heavy reliance on public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid has led to considerable depletion of funds for both federal and state governments. With current long-term care costs reaching upwards of $74,000 per year, current mechanisms of payment are inadequate and will not survive the growing older adult population. Long-term care insurance was developed to curb reliance on public programs and mitigate private out-of-pocket payments. However, the marketing of this product is contributing to its demise. Personal interviews and historical data provide a qualitative descriptive study of how marketing practices of local independent insurance agents contribute to the impact of long-term care insurance as a finance model for long-term care. Modifications in marketing, including agent and consumer education and increased state regulation, will improve the ability of long-term care......

DEWALT Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Second Edition

Adam Ding

  DEWALT Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Second Edition  Adam Ding  The DEWALT Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Second Edition is a practical guide for electricians to successfully estimate and bid jobs anywhere. Based on real-life experience from the angle of a professional electrical estimator, this detailed book covers every step of the process from pre-bid to the contract being awarded, and everything in between. This reference guide is the perfect tool for professional building and technical trade contractors, service technicians, maintenance personnel, plant managers, engineers, designers, and architects. Some of the topics that are covered include: estimating forms, bid worksheets, quantity take-off checklists, proposal inclusions and exclusions, marketing techniques, job negotiations, suggested man-hours, estimating data tables and much more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The DEWALT Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Second Edition is a practical guide for electricians to successfully estimate and bid jobs anywhere. Based on real-life experience from the angle of a professional electrical estimator, this detailed book covers every step of the process from pre-bid to the contract being awarded, and everything in between. This reference guide is the perfect tool for professional building and technical trade contractors, service technicians, maintenance personnel, plant managers, engineers, designers, and architects. Some of the topics that are covered include: estimating forms, bid worksheets, quantity take-off checklists, proposal inclusions and exclusions, marketing techniques, job negotiations, suggested man-hours, estimating data tables and much more....

Григорий Ткаченко. Избранные труды. Китайская космология и антропология

Григорий Ткаченко

  Григорий Ткаченко. Избранные труды. Китайская космология и антропология  Григорий Ткаченко  Говорящая книга.   Российские Пропилеи.   Выдающийся российский китаевед Г.А.Ткаченко хорошо известен как переводчик и комментатор одного из значимых памятников древнекитайской мысли Говорящая книга. Российские Пропилеи. Выдающийся российский китаевед Г.А.Ткаченко хорошо известен как переводчик и комментатор одного из значимых памятников древнекитайской мысли "Люйши чунъцю" (Весны и осени господина Люя). До сих пор менее известен целый ряд работ Г.А.Ткаченко, написанных им в 90-е годы XX в. и посвященных вопросам культурологии, космологии, в первую очередь, Древнего и Средневекового Китая. Среди них статья "Модель человека в культуре Китая (о традиционной китайской антропологии)", которую известный отечественный синолог A.M.Карапетянц назвал "маленькой монографией". Статьи разбросаны по академическим изданиям, выходившим малыми тиражами, и практически недоступны широкой публике. Вместе с тем они представляют собой целостный, органичный блок, к сожалению, не успевший вылиться в новое фундаментальное исследование. Кроме того, в том входит блестящее исследование "Космос, музыка, ритуал"....

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China Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Producers Directory (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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