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Benchmarking Strategies : A Tool for Profit Improvement Rob Reider
Like top-notch athletes, corporations need to stay in fighting shape to compete. And assessing the fitness-both functionally and financially-of every corporate operation and activity is the role played by the benchmarking process. Not simply a detailed company physical that isolates operational weaknesses and fiscal bloat, when effectively implemented, benchmarking also represents the cure-a set of best practice guidelines for maximizing performance, guiding the company toward corporate health, while cleaning up operating inefficiencies and financial waste. Written by a leading benchmarking authority, Benchmarking Strategies is a state-of-the-art how-to manual for transforming your organization into a lean, optimally performing endurance runner-no matter what sort of shape your company is in now. In a practical, user-friendly format, Reider helps you identify just what sort of businesses your company is in (and not in), develop a set of benchmarks and basic business......
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The Environment in Corporate Management: New Directions and Economic Insights Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, Steven G. M. Schilizzi, David W. Pearce
This book, now available in paperback, asks an important question of how management of the environment may benefit firms. The authors take an objective, neutral perspective on the extent to which environmental issues should, or should not, be addressed within the management of business corporations. The Environment in Corporate Management includes an up-to-date treatment of business practices, norms and standards, using the tools of microeconomic and industrial organization analysis to provide an ordered and consistent picture. The analysis is couched within stakeholder theory, which determines how costs and benefits are defined for the firm. Utilizing the most recent information the book also focuses on the underlying long-term trends. Actual examples and case studies illustrate the discussions. The authors conclude by highlighting the inevitable need to link environment and finance for better stakeholder relationships and business performance. This unique book is written......
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Information Technology and Industrial Competitiveness: How It Shapes Competition Chris F. Kemerer, Chris L. Kemerer
Information Technology (IT) -- the field that links computer and communications equipment and software -- is transforming the way modern business is done. Examples of factors leading these changes are: rapidly decreasing costs of computer hardware, government de-regulation, accelerating global competitiveness, an increasing management awareness, and the knowledge of how to employ Information Technology successfully. These have all led to the increase of IT's effects on existing markets, and, in the process, are creating entirely new markets. This book explores a variety of advances in IT by a group of researchers who are at the cutting edge of this research. Moreover, the book examines these innovative developments in terms of the Information Technology field and its effect on modern business. It is becoming increasingly apparent that IT is critical to success in today's competitive marketplace. As a result, this book examines a host of emerging effects at work in these developments......
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Mastering Autodesk VIZ 4 (With CD-ROM) George Omura
Autodesk VIZ 4, the revamped visualization tool from the makers of AutoCAD, now includes high-end lighting features for modeling, rendering, and animating designs. This allows CAD designers to accurately portray how real-world light from multiple sourcesinteracts in the modeled environment. These "global illumination" features and a host of other improvements make this the most significant and powerful VIZ program ever. No one can bring the program's robust features to light better than George Omura, the world's best-selling CAD author. Omura, who also wrote the definitive book on 3D Studio VIZ 3, is an architect, illustrator, and animator who has worked on design projects ranging from resort hotels to the prestigious San Francisco library. His Mastering Autodesk VIZ 4 book will walk users through every step of the process -- from creating shapes and editing objects to controlling lights and cameras to creating animations. Omura uses real-world, recognizable examples so that......
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Shopping for Furniture on the Internet Leonard Bruce Lewin, Leonard Bruce Lewin
Making a major furniture purchase on the Internet can be both daunting and risky without the proper knowledge. This guide to buying furniture online reveals ways to get the best prices, products, and customer service without entering a showroom. Important aspects of shopping for upholstery and wood furniture are discussed, as are issues concerning local and state taxes. Shipping, returns, and warranties are explained, and the best ways to pay for furniture from a Web site are covered. Also included is a glossary of furniture terms, an assessment of online furniture sites, and a discussion of the changes in the furniture trade caused by the Internet....
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На главную
Benchmarking Strategies : A Tool for Profit Improvement. Rob Reider . Книги.
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