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The Accessible Home : Easy Ways to Improve the Safety, Practicality, and Value of Your Home Susan Lasoff
Book DescriptionThis saddle-stitched booklet explains how to make homes more accessible to the aged or disabled....
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When Presidents Lie: A History of Official Deception and Its Consequences Eric Alterman
Book Description Lying has become pervasive in American life?but what happens when the falsehoods are perpetrated by the Oval Office? As the lies told by our government become more and more intricate, they begin to weave a tapestry of deception that creates problems far larger than those lied about in the first place. Eric Alterman?s When Presidents Lie is a compelling historical examination of four specific post-World War II presidential lies whose consequences were greater than could ever have been predicted. FDR told the American people that peace was secure in Europe, setting the stage for McCarthyism and the cold war. John F. Kennedy?s unyielding stance during the Cuban missile crisis masked his secret deal withthe Soviet Union. Misrepresented aggression at the Gulf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese gave LBJ the power to start a war. Finally, Ronald Reagan?s Central American wars ended in the ignominy of the Iran-contra scandal. ......
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Born to Rebel: An Autobiography Benjamin E. Mays
Book DescriptionBorn the son of a sharecropper in 1894 near Ninety Six, South Carolina, Benjamin E. Mays went on to serve as president of Morehouse College for twenty-seven years and as the first black president of the Atlanta School Board. His earliest memory, of a lynching party storming through his county, taunting but not killing his father, became for Mays an enduring image of black-white relations in the South. Born to Rebel is the moving chronicle of his life, a story that interlaces achievement with the rebuke he continually confronted....
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Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook Martha Stewart
. Every new book from Martha Stewart is cause for celebration, and with Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook, she returns to bring the pleasures of baking to readers at every level, from beginner to expert and beyond. A culinary compendium packed with more than 200 foolproof recipes for the best baked goods, Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook takes readers by the hand and guides them through the process of creating an irresistible variety of cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, breads, and much more. This essential addition to every cook's library is rich with tips, techniques, and the mouthwatering and stunning recipes for which Martha Stewart is so well known. Covering a delectable array of topics from simple to sophisticated, including biscuits, muffins, scones, cookies, layer cakes, specialty cakes, sweet and savory pies and tarts, and pastries and breads, she provides a dazzlingly delicious yet crystal-clear, vividly illustrated repertoire of recipes. There are cakes that are elegant......
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Прикладная статистика Б. И. Башкатов, Д. В. Дианов, Л. И. Нестеров, Е. А. Радугина
ЭЛИТ. В учебнике раскрывается статистическая методология, применяемая в международной и отечественной практике при исследовании экономической деятельности, оценке результатов функционирования экономики; излагаются понятия, категории и принципы национального счетоводства; рассматриваются основные группировки и классификации, применяемые в СНС; дается система показателей СНС; рассматривается их назначение и методы исчисления; раскрываются основные направления анализа СНС и их роль в исследовании экономики. Учебник предназначен для студентов и слушателей всех форм обучения с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий, а также для преподавателей высших и средних специальных учебных заведений....
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The Accessible Home : Easy Ways to Improve the Safety, Practicality, and Value of Your Home. Susan Lasoff . Книги.
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