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The Money-Moving Syndrome and the Effectiveness ofForeign Aid: Diagnostic Tools to Improve Donor Agencies? LendingProcess to Aid-Receiving Countries Nara Fran??oise Monkam
Aid ineffectiveness, defined as the low performanceof aid in promoting economic growth and reducingglobal poverty, is a problem utterly complex,prevalent and unfortunately still unresolved. Fordecades now, it has generated a huge literaturereaching conflicting conclusions as to thejustifications of aid, the impact of aid on growthand institutional reforms, and the role of economicand political institutions in aid effectiveness. This book examines in depth one of the potentialcauses of the low performance of foreign aid; inparticular, the role incentive structures withininternational donor agencies could play in leading to?a push? to disburse money. This pressure to disbursemoney is termed as the ?Money-Moving Syndrome? whichexists when the quantity of foreign aid committed ordisbursed becomes, in itself, an important objectiveside by side or above the effectiveness of aid. Ifthe overall objective is to maximize theeffectiveness of aid, it would appear essential toenhance the design......
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Mac OS X For Unix Geeks Ernest Rothman, Brian Jepson, Rich Rosen
If you're a developer or system administrator lured to Mac OS X because of its Unix roots, you'll quickly discover that performing Unix tasks on a Mac is different than what you're accustomed to. Mac OS X for Unix Geeks serves as a bridge between Apple's Darwin OS and the more traditional Unix systems. This clear, concise guide gives you a tour of Mac OS X's Unix shell in both Leopard and Tiger, and helps you find the facilities that replace or correspond to standard Unix utilities. You'll learn how to perform common Unix tasks in Mac OS X, such as using Directory Services instead of the standard Unix /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and you'll be able to compile code, link to libraries, and port Unix software using either Leopard and Tiger. This book teaches you to: Navigate the Terminal and understand how it differs from an xterm Use Open Directory (LDAP) and NetInfo as well as Directory Services Compile your code with GCC 4 Port Unix programs to Mac OS X with Fink Use MacPorts to......
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Ruby Phrasebook (Developer's Library) Jason D. Clinton
Ruby Phrasebook Jason Clinton Essential Code and Commands Ruby Phrasebook gives you the code you need to quickly and effectively work with Ruby, one of the fastest-growing languages in the world thanks to popular new Ruby technologies like Rubon Rails. Concise and Accessible Easy to carry and easy to use–lets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable pocket guide Flexible and Functional Packed with more than 100 customizable code snippets–so you can readily code functional Rubin just about any situation Jason Clinton uses Ruby daily in system administration and development for Advanced Clustering Technologies, a Linux Beowulf cluster integrator. He has been working in the computer industry for more than a decade and is actely involved in the Kansas City Ruby Users Group (KCRUG), serving as administrator of the group’s web site and mailing list. Register your book at informit.com/register for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections......
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Степенная книга царского родословия по древнейшим спискам. В 3 томах. Том 2. Степени XI-XVII
Языки славянских культур. Настоящее издание осуществляет комментированную публикацию Степенной книги царского родословия по шести древнейшим спискам XVI - начала XVII в. (включая старейшие Томский и Волковский 1560-х гг., обнаруженные в наши дни новосибирскими и петербургскими археографами). Этот памятник является первой попыткой создания сводного нелетописного труда по отечественной истории IX-XVI вв., написанного с историософских позиций Русской Православной Церкви и отражающего концепции ее тогдашних руководителей - митрополитов Макария и Афанасия. Укрепляя единство страны, понимаемое как единство рода самодержцев Рюриковичей, действующих в союзе с Церковью, создатели Степенной книги включили в нее значительный ряд историко-литературных и агиографических текстов многих русских земель. Во II том входят степени XI- XVII, приложения и указатели. Третий том содержит комментарий....
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Meaning of Tingo: And Other Extraordinary Words from Around the World
Jacot de Boinod, Adam...
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The Money-Moving Syndrome and the Effectiveness ofForeign Aid: Diagnostic Tools to Improve Donor Agencies? LendingProcess to Aid-Receiving Countries. Nara Fran??oise Monkam . Книги.
Ковров, Пермь, Ярославль, Москва, Вологда, Кисловодск, Новошахтинск, Нижнекамск, Мурманск, Белгород, Петрозаводск, Мытищи, Новочеркасск, Елец, Энгельс, Якутск, Артём, Пятигорск, Самара, Великие Луки, Новороссийск, Волжский, Липецк, Тобольск, Волгоград, Мурманск, Камышин, Белгород,
Основы предпринимательства| Альманахи, журналы, сборники| История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Макроэкономика| Исторические мелодрамы| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Энциклопедии, справочники| Культура. Культурология| Актрисы.| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Учебные| Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны| Шейпинг| Молодежные мелодрамы|
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