Скульптура и город: Творчество академика А. Н. Бурганова

  Скульптура и город: Творчество академика А. Н. Бурганова  Александр Бурганов - скульптор, внесший огромный вклад в развитие отечественной школы монументальной скульптуры. Его произведения украшают музейные собрания Третьяковской галереи, Русского музея, Музея изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина, государственных российских и западноевропейских музеев. Особенно выделяется монументальная и декоративная скульптура, выполненная выдающимся художником для Москвы. Это памятник Александр Бурганов - скульптор, внесший огромный вклад в развитие отечественной школы монументальной скульптуры. Его произведения украшают музейные собрания Третьяковской галереи, Русского музея, Музея изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина, государственных российских и западноевропейских музеев. Особенно выделяется монументальная и декоративная скульптура, выполненная выдающимся художником для Москвы. Это памятник "Пушкин и Натали" и фонтан "Принцесса Турандот" на Старом Арбате; памятник Лермонтову; памятник основательнице Академии музыки Е.Ф. Гнесиной, монументальная композиция "Молодая Россия" на Крымском валу и др.; скульптурное оформление станций московского метрополитена "Братиславская", "Люблино", "Третьяковская" (галерея портретов великих русских художников) и др....

Learning by Design: Building Sustainable Organizations (Management, Organizations, and Business Series)

Abraham B. Shani

  Learning by Design: Building Sustainable Organizations (Management, Organizations, and Business Series)  Abraham B. Shani  Book DescriptionLearning is an essential process for attaining and maintaining sustainability at both the individual and business level. Establishing a learning organization requires a whole-hearted and sustained endeavour. This book facilitates such an endeavour by providing both a coherent framework for analysis and practical models for action. It focuses on the choices organizations make about the design and implementation of specific learning mechanisms. The authors illustrate this Book DescriptionLearning is an essential process for attaining and maintaining sustainability at both the individual and business level. Establishing a learning organization requires a whole-hearted and sustained endeavour. This book facilitates such an endeavour by providing both a coherent framework for analysis and practical models for action. It focuses on the choices organizations make about the design and implementation of specific learning mechanisms. The authors illustrate this "learning-by-design" approach through six detailed case studies, taken from different industries and national settings and focusing on different aspects of organizational learning. They then present an overall analysis of the cases, capturing the nature of the learning requirements, design dimensions and mechanisms, and looking at how these link to each other and to company strategy, resources, and performance. Various learning paradoxes are discussed, as well as issues that merit further study. ......

Paying for College : Get An Education witout Breaking the Bank! (Savvy Savings Guide for Home and Business)

Barbara Wagner

  Paying for College : Get An Education witout Breaking the Bank! (Savvy Savings Guide for Home and Business)  Barbara Wagner  Book DescriptionSensible Ways to Save and Pay for College In a direct and easy-to-use style, the Savvy Savings Guide series offers great financial advice for both your personal and professional life. With each new book, you?ll learn how to earn more, spend less, and save for important events such as retirement and your child?s college education. From paying less on your taxes to starting a small business the Savvy Savings Guide series will help you save money and succeed! Paying for College tells you everything you need to know to start saving for your child?s college education today. Don?t wait! The faster you start saving, the sooner you can stop worrying. Here?s how to: Get help paying forcollege through financial aid, grants, loans, work-study jobs, and scholarships Make the right investments for your plans?stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more Use the new tax law to speed up the growth...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSensible Ways to Save and Pay for College In a direct and easy-to-use style, the Savvy Savings Guide series offers great financial advice for both your personal and professional life. With each new book, you?ll learn how to earn more, spend less, and save for important events such as retirement and your child?s college education. From paying less on your taxes to starting a small business the Savvy Savings Guide series will help you save money and succeed! Paying for College tells you everything you need to know to start saving for your child?s college education today. Don?t wait! The faster you start saving, the sooner you can stop worrying. Here?s how to: Get help paying forcollege through financial aid, grants, loans, work-study jobs, and scholarships Make the right investments for your plans?stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more Use the new tax law to speed up the growth......

The Portrait Book: A Guide for Photographers

Steven H. Begleiter

  The Portrait Book: A Guide for Photographers  Steven H. Begleiter  Book DescriptionProfessional photographers will increase the marketability of their images and achieve success with these tips for creating and marketing beautiful and unique portraits. With interviews from the visual editor of The New Yorker , Elisabeth Biondi; the Vibe magazine director of photography, George Pitts; and Susan White, director of photography for Vanity Fair , this book includes information that will help any photographer put his or her finger on the pulse of the editorial market's needs. Information on cameras; how to use filters for both color and black and white film; lighting and exposure; and strobes, light meters, contrast ratios, lighting ratios, and other techniques for controlling exposure round out this portraiture reference.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionProfessional photographers will increase the marketability of their images and achieve success with these tips for creating and marketing beautiful and unique portraits. With interviews from the visual editor of The New Yorker , Elisabeth Biondi; the Vibe magazine director of photography, George Pitts; and Susan White, director of photography for Vanity Fair , this book includes information that will help any photographer put his or her finger on the pulse of the editorial market's needs. Information on cameras; how to use filters for both color and black and white film; lighting and exposure; and strobes, light meters, contrast ratios, lighting ratios, and other techniques for controlling exposure round out this portraiture reference....

Gauguin and the Origins of Symbolism

Guillermo Solana

  Gauguin and the Origins of Symbolism  Guillermo Solana  Book Description One of the key paradoxes concerning Paul Gauguin is the fact that he was both a profound individualist and at the same time the founder of an artistic school. For the young artists collectively known as the Nabis, Gauguin's personal version of Symbolism became the canonical route to modern art. The book, which accompanies an exhibition at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemsiza, reveals this double facet of the artist and his legacy through a series of successive encounters between Gauguin and his masters, his contemporaries and his pupils.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description One of the key paradoxes concerning Paul Gauguin is the fact that he was both a profound individualist and at the same time the founder of an artistic school. For the young artists collectively known as the Nabis, Gauguin's personal version of Symbolism became the canonical route to modern art. The book, which accompanies an exhibition at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemsiza, reveals this double facet of the artist and his legacy through a series of successive encounters between Gauguin and his masters, his contemporaries and his pupils....

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Скульптура и город: Творчество академика А. Н. Бурганова. . Книги.

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