Hardy Boys 65: The Stone Idol (Hardy Boys)

Franklin W. Dixon

  Hardy Boys 65: The Stone Idol (Hardy Boys)  Franklin W. Dixon  Book Description When an ancient stone idol disappears, the Hardy Boys are off on another fast-paced adventure. It's a mystery that takes the boys from a primitive village in the Andes Mountains to Antarctica and finally to Easter Island. By using their fine investigative skills, the Hardy Boys find that the mystery of the stone idol is not what it seems!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description When an ancient stone idol disappears, the Hardy Boys are off on another fast-paced adventure. It's a mystery that takes the boys from a primitive village in the Andes Mountains to Antarctica and finally to Easter Island. By using their fine investigative skills, the Hardy Boys find that the mystery of the stone idol is not what it seems!...

The Essential Conversation : What Parents and Teachers Can Learn from Each Other

Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot

  The Essential Conversation : What Parents and Teachers Can Learn from Each Other  Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot  Book DescriptionWith the insights she has gleaned from her close and subtle observation of parent-teacher conferences, renowned Harvard University professor Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot has written a wise, useful book about the ways in which parents and teachers can make the most of their essential conversation—the dialogue between the most vital people in a child’s life. “The essential conversation” is the crucial exchange that occurs between parents and teachers—a dialogue that takes place more than one hundred million times a year across our country and is both mirror of and metaphor for the larger cultural forces that define family-school relationships and shape the development of our children. Participating in this twice-yearly ritual, so friendly and benign in its apparent goals, parents and teachers are often wracked with anxiety. In a meeting marked by decorum and politeness, they frequently exhibit wariness and assume defensive postures. Even...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWith the insights she has gleaned from her close and subtle observation of parent-teacher conferences, renowned Harvard University professor Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot has written a wise, useful book about the ways in which parents and teachers can make the most of their essential conversation—the dialogue between the most vital people in a child’s life. “The essential conversation” is the crucial exchange that occurs between parents and teachers—a dialogue that takes place more than one hundred million times a year across our country and is both mirror of and metaphor for the larger cultural forces that define family-school relationships and shape the development of our children. Participating in this twice-yearly ritual, so friendly and benign in its apparent goals, parents and teachers are often wracked with anxiety. In a meeting marked by decorum and politeness, they frequently exhibit wariness and assume defensive postures. Even......

Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair

Miriam Greenspan

  Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair  Miriam Greenspan  Book DescriptionHere’s a book that offers a new prescription for coping with depression and anxiety, as well as other painful emotional states: don’t try to escape them. In Healing through the Dark Emotions Miriam Greenspan shows us that there’s something good in so-called “bad” feelings, if we would only stop and listen to them. In a down-to-earth and engaging style, Greenspan explains why learning to attend, befriend, and surrender to emotional pain actually leads to lasting relief, as well as to greater wisdom, compassion, and a deep sense of fulfillment. Most of us don’t know how to listen very well to emotional pain. This is because we have never been taught that doing so is a good thing, or how to do it. Greenspan offers a step-by-step process for opening ourselves to the wisdom of painful feelings that she calls “the alchemy of dark emotions.” She focuses on three of the most common forms of emotional distress: grief,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHere’s a book that offers a new prescription for coping with depression and anxiety, as well as other painful emotional states: don’t try to escape them. In Healing through the Dark Emotions Miriam Greenspan shows us that there’s something good in so-called “bad” feelings, if we would only stop and listen to them. In a down-to-earth and engaging style, Greenspan explains why learning to attend, befriend, and surrender to emotional pain actually leads to lasting relief, as well as to greater wisdom, compassion, and a deep sense of fulfillment. Most of us don’t know how to listen very well to emotional pain. This is because we have never been taught that doing so is a good thing, or how to do it. Greenspan offers a step-by-step process for opening ourselves to the wisdom of painful feelings that she calls “the alchemy of dark emotions.” She focuses on three of the most common forms of emotional distress: grief,......

Золотые методики здоровья

Тадаши Сато

  Золотые методики здоровья  Тадаши Сато  Вектор.   Целительные практики. Российский опыт.   Имя каждого из авторов оздоровительных систем, которые рассматриваются в книге, связано с Вектор. Целительные практики. Российский опыт. Имя каждого из авторов оздоровительных систем, которые рассматриваются в книге, связано с "фирменными" наработками. Так, всем известны голодание по Брэггу, сокотерапия по Уокеру, лечение медом и уксусом по Джарвису, "шесть правил" Ниши, "квасы Болотова", гимнастика по Микулину. У каждого из них - масса последователей во всем мире, в том числе и в России. Если вы задумываетесь о том, как привести в порядок свой организм, и нуждаетесь в квалифицированном руководстве по комплексу профилактических и оздоровительных мероприятий, значит, эта книга для вас....

500 советов секретарю

О. А. Энговатова

  500 советов секретарю  О. А. Энговатова  Альфа-Пресс.   XXI в. - век профессионализма. Ценится и высоко оплачивается только труд работников, безупречно знающих свое дело. В полной мере это относится к секретарям (секретарям-референтам). Получить специальность в учебном заведении - это только начало пути к профессионализму. Полученные знания надо уметь применить. Сегодня требуются постоянное повышение квалификации, совершенствование труда. В книге, которая перед вами, мы попытаемся разобраться, как стать высококвалифицированным секретарем (секретарем-референтом) на конкретном рабочем месте.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Альфа-Пресс. XXI в. - век профессионализма. Ценится и высоко оплачивается только труд работников, безупречно знающих свое дело. В полной мере это относится к секретарям (секретарям-референтам). Получить специальность в учебном заведении - это только начало пути к профессионализму. Полученные знания надо уметь применить. Сегодня требуются постоянное повышение квалификации, совершенствование труда. В книге, которая перед вами, мы попытаемся разобраться, как стать высококвалифицированным секретарем (секретарем-референтом) на конкретном рабочем месте....

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Hardy Boys 65: The Stone Idol (Hardy Boys). Franklin W. Dixon . Книги.

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