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Thinking Out of the Box : How to Market Your Company Into the Future Kathy C. Yohalem
Praise for Thinking Out of the Box "Kathy C. Yohalem has 'been there; done that.' She has looked into the future with the eye of an experienced business person, and this book helps define for all of us new and enlightening approaches in strategic marketing." — Michael F. Murphy Senior Vice President and CFO, Chanel, Inc. "The complicated process of empowering and thus obtaining the very best in ideas from our executives is critical to a successful strategic marketing plan for a company's future. Kathy C. Yohalem has shown us how to get there by keeping it simple. No key executive should be without Thinking Out of the Box ." — Sy Jones former Senior Partner, Coopers & Lybrand, LLP Professor of Accounting, NYU, Stern School of Business "Only Kathy C. Yohalem's brilliant high-tech perspective could have devised the 21st-century marketing strategies which fill every page of this provocative handbook for success. She not only makes it crystal clear that the......
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Words@Work: Individual User CD-ROM Vandalay Group
Words@Work, individual user CD-ROM, connects the learner to the skills they need to succeed as a communicator and a contributor in today's workplace. Interactive graphics and workplace simulations reinforce essential grammar, workplace writing, and employability skills. Presented in the context of the real-world, Words@Work makes relevant learning engaging and fun. To view a demo visit www.wordsatwork.swep.com/ System Requirements: Windows 95 or higher; 486 processor or better with at least 20 MB freehard drive space; at least 8 MB RAM; Internet connection and Web Browser are required to use Web Links....
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Million Dollar E-mails: The guide to creating effective, persuasive Internet email marketing campaigns that actually increase sales and work! Platinum Millennium
Million Dollar E-mails will teach you step-by-step how to use high -powered words, phrases, and slogans that will grab your customer?s attention and sell! Whether you are selling ideas, a service or widgets, Million Dollar E-mails guarantees theexpert sales professional an expanded, rejuvenated repertoire and the novice a feeling of confidence. You?ll learn how to create, send, and track highly successful e-mail campaigns that get results and turn profits. Also included are lists of resources for e-mail list brokers and service bureaus, credit card companies and corporations offering merchant accounts, books and software on Web marketing, and more. Some of the benefits to e-mail marketing include; Instant Results. Minutes aftersending out your email campaign you can start seeing responses and orders. Low cost. No printing, no postage, no mail house charges. Email is nearly free to send out! Testing on the go. How fast do you want to see results?......
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Computer-Aided Verification of Coordinating Processes Robert P. Kurshan
Formal verification increasingly has become recognized as an answer to the problem of how to create ever more complex control systems, which nonetheless are required to behave reliably. To be acceptable in an industrial setting, formal verification must be highly algorithmic; to cope with design complexity, it must support a top-down design methodology that leads from an abstract design to its detailed implementation. That combination of requirements points directly to the widely recognized solution of automata-theoretic verification, on account of its expressiveness, computational complexity, and perhaps general utility as well. This book develops the theory of automata-theoretic verification from its foundations, with a focus on algorithms and heuristics to reduce the computational complexity of analysis. It is suitable as a text for a one-or two-semester graduate course, and is recommended reading for anyone planning to use a verification tool, such as COSPAN or SMV. An extensive......
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Загадка Старка Монро Артур Конан-Дойль
Гелеос. Поклонники творчества Конан-Дойля уже на протяжении века спорят о том, кто же из героев великого писателя был у него самым любимым. И, похоже, Шерлок Холмс сдает свои позиции!!! Ведь Старк Монро, главный герой книги "Загадка Старка Монро", по признанию самого Конан-Дойля, оказался настолько интересным персонажем, что ради него писатель был готов избавиться от Шерлока. На русском языке полная версия романа издается впервые. Теперь и российский читатель может примкнуть к вечному спору любителей Конан-Дойля, и высказать свое мнение!...
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Thinking Out of the Box : How to Market Your Company Into the Future. Kathy C. Yohalem . Книги.
Омск, Москва , Чита, Уфа, Братск, Люберцы, Абакан, Калуга, Коломна, Екатеринбург, Магнитогорск, ВеликийНовгород, Хасавюрт, Якутск, Барнаул, Иваново,
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