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La promesa del angel Frederic Lenoir, Violette Cabesos
s. XXI: Johanna es una joven arqueA?loga que desde niA±a ha tenido extraA±os sueA±os de crAmenes cometidos en un monasterio medieval, en el que aparece un monje decapitado que profiere una enigmA?tica frase “hay que excavar la tierra para llegar al cielo”. Cuando le encargan la bA?squeda de las tumbas de los fundadores del monasterio benedictino de Saint Michel, en NormandAa, encuentra la oportunidad al mismo tiempo de desvelar el significado de sus sueA±os. s. XI: El monje Roman, es un joven benedictino obediente a la fe de la iglesia catA?lica y ayudante del arquitecto para la construcciA?n de una iglesia en la roca de Saint Michel. Herido por unos ladrones es atendido por una joven curandera de origen celta de la que se enamora perdida y platA?nicamente. Intenta sin A©xito convertir a la fe cristiana a la bella pagana, pero este amor prohibido termina por condenar a Moira a la tortura y la hoguera, y antes de morir ruega a Roman que cambie el lugar donde van a......
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The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman
The MIT Press. "The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology" is a one-of-a-kind collection on game design and criticism, from classic scholarly essays to cutting-edge case studies. A companion work to Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman's textbook Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals , "The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology" is a classroom sourcebook, a reference for working game developers, and a great read for game fans and players. Thirty-two essays by game designers, game critics, game fans, philosophers, anthropologists, media theorists, and others consider fundamental questions: What are games and how are they designed? How do games interact with culture at large? What critical approaches can game designers take to create game stories, game spaces, game communities, and new forms of play? Salen and Zimmerman have collected seminal writings that span 50 years to offer a stunning array of perspectives. Game journalists express the rhythms of game......
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Руководство к жизни, которое вам забыли выдать при рождении Джо Витале
София. Секрет успеха. Люди, не читавшие этого Руководства, сосредоточиваются на том, чего они не хотят. И получают ненужное. Так что, если вы желаете себе богатства, сосредоточьтесь на богатстве. Если вы желаете себе здоровья, сосредоточьтесь на здоровье. Если вы желаете себе счастья, сосредоточьтесь на счастье. Это самый действенный секрет Вселенной: вы получаете то, на чем сосредоточиваетесь. В этой книге Джо Витале предлагает свои простые и великолепные методы достижения успеха и изобилия, и каждый из нас, ознакомившись с его мудростью, может немедленно ими воспользоваться....
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Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait in Art and Letters H. Anna Suh
Throughout his life, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) wrote hundreds of letters, many to his brother Theo. Theo acted as patron, agent, and sounding board to the artist whose life was fraught with poverty, a struggle for recognition, and alternating fits of madness and lucidity. Van Gogh also corresponded with other family members and fellow artists, including his dear friends Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard. His letters, originally collected by Theo’s wife, Johanna, exhibit Van Gogh’s genius, his depth of observation, and his feelings in their most naked form. In Vincent Van Gogh these letters have been excerpted, newly translated, and set side-by-side with more than 250 of his drawings and paintings. Van Gogh’s words and art illuminate each other and reveal a portrait of the artist as never seen before. The commentary of H. Anna Suh frames Van Gogh’s work and puts his art, letters, life, and struggles into rich context. The result is this timeless......
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How to Sell a Condo or Townhouse (Gone Fishing)
Manny Luftglass, Myles Minns...
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La promesa del angel. Frederic Lenoir, Violette Cabesos . Книги.
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