Сапунов (подарочное издание)

Ида Гофман

  Сапунов (подарочное издание)  Ида Гофман  ОАО ОАО "Типография "Новости". Подарочное издание в суперобложке. Книга выполнена в эксклюзивном красочном оформлении, богато иллюстрирована. Предлагаемая вниманию читателей книга посвящена творчеству замечательного русского художника Николая Сапунова. Ученик Исаака Левитана, Валентина Серова и Константина Коровина, он был тесно связан с реалистической традицией, но принадлежал уже к поколению новаторов начала XX столетия - к "Голубой Розе" - и может рассматриваться как одна из крупнейших фигур русского предавангарда. Живописец от Бога, работавший в традиционных жанрах пейзажа, портрета, натюрморта, он явился создателем нового жанра - театрализованной бытовой картины - и был одним из самых ярких и выдающихся мастеров театрально-декорационного искусства своего времени....

Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management: Theory, Tools, and Hands-On Programming Applications (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series) (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)

Claudio Albanese

  Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management: Theory, Tools, and Hands-On Programming Applications (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series) (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)  Claudio Albanese  Book DescriptionWritten by leading academics and practitioners in the field of financial mathematics, the purpose of this book is to provide a unique combination of some of the most important and relevant theoretical and practical tools from which any advanced undergraduate and graduate student, professional quant and researcher will benefit. This book stands out from all other existing books in quantitative finance from the sheer impressive range of ready-to-use software and accessible theoretical toolsthat are provided as a complete package. By proceeding from simple to complex, the authors cover core topics in derivative pricing and risk management in a style that is engaging, accessible and self-instructional. The book contains a wide spectrum of problems, worked-out solutions, detailed methodologies and applied mathematical techniques for which anyone planning to make a serious career in quantitative finance must master. In fact, core portions of the books material originated and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWritten by leading academics and practitioners in the field of financial mathematics, the purpose of this book is to provide a unique combination of some of the most important and relevant theoretical and practical tools from which any advanced undergraduate and graduate student, professional quant and researcher will benefit. This book stands out from all other existing books in quantitative finance from the sheer impressive range of ready-to-use software and accessible theoretical toolsthat are provided as a complete package. By proceeding from simple to complex, the authors cover core topics in derivative pricing and risk management in a style that is engaging, accessible and self-instructional. The book contains a wide spectrum of problems, worked-out solutions, detailed methodologies and applied mathematical techniques for which anyone planning to make a serious career in quantitative finance must master. In fact, core portions of the books material originated and......

Finding the Best and the Brightest : A Guide to Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Effective Leaders

Peg Thoms

  Finding the Best and the Brightest : A Guide to Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Effective Leaders  Peg Thoms  Book DescriptionFinding the Best and Brightest proposes an approach to choosing leaders based on a set of criteria designed to align individual qualities with organizational or institutional goals. Peg Thoms challenges the popular trend in theory and practice toward Book DescriptionFinding the Best and Brightest proposes an approach to choosing leaders based on a set of criteria designed to align individual qualities with organizational or institutional goals. Peg Thoms challenges the popular trend in theory and practice toward "transformational" or "visionary" leadership, arguing instead that leadership must be developed in context; many organizations, for example, don't need visionaries as much as they need "operational" leaders, who get things done by focusing onpresent-day tasks, such as designing superior products and delivering exceptional customer service. This book provides guidance for how to recruit, select, and retain the right people for leadership positions at any level of the organization. Drawing from research conducted in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, Thoms features powerful examples of effective and ineffective leadership in a variety of situations, and sheds light on the complex relationships between leaders and......

Войны Московской Руси с Великим княжеством Литовским и Речью Посполитой в XIV-XVII вв.

А. Е. Тарас

  Войны Московской Руси с Великим княжеством Литовским и Речью Посполитой в XIV-XVII вв.  А. Е. Тарас  АСТ.   Неизвестные войны.   Книга посвящена рассмотрению многочисленных войн Московской Руси с Великим княжеством Литовским и Речью Посполитой, происходивших в течение более чем 300 лет. Попутно описаны некоторые другие вооруженные конфликты: гражданские войны феодального периода, татарские набеги, казацкие восстания. Ныне события тех далеких времен отчасти забыты, отчасти недостаточно изучены, отчасти известны в искаженном виде. В основу книги легли труды дореволюционных историков (Карамзина, Соловьева, Костомарова и многих других), а также исследования современных российских и белорусских ученых. Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей: от профессиональных историков до учащихся старших классов школ.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ. Неизвестные войны. Книга посвящена рассмотрению многочисленных войн Московской Руси с Великим княжеством Литовским и Речью Посполитой, происходивших в течение более чем 300 лет. Попутно описаны некоторые другие вооруженные конфликты: гражданские войны феодального периода, татарские набеги, казацкие восстания. Ныне события тех далеких времен отчасти забыты, отчасти недостаточно изучены, отчасти известны в искаженном виде. В основу книги легли труды дореволюционных историков (Карамзина, Соловьева, Костомарова и многих других), а также исследования современных российских и белорусских ученых. Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей: от профессиональных историков до учащихся старших классов школ....

Organic Chemistry of Photography

Shinsaku Fujita

  Organic Chemistry of Photography  Shinsaku Fujita  Book DescriptionIn conventional color photography, spectral sensitizers cooperate with silver halide as acceptors of light during the exposure process, color developers reduce silver halide grains during the developing process, and finally the resulting oxidized developers react with couplers to form imaging dyes. Instant color photography gives us an alternative way of realizing excellent color reproduction, in which dyes changing their diffusibility play an important role. The aim of this book is to provide researchers and graduate students with a perspective on how such organic compounds work in color photography and how seemingly miraculous techniques based on organic chemistry lead to color images of high quality. The readers will acquire the philosophy and learn from hints on how to develop functionalized organic compounds.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn conventional color photography, spectral sensitizers cooperate with silver halide as acceptors of light during the exposure process, color developers reduce silver halide grains during the developing process, and finally the resulting oxidized developers react with couplers to form imaging dyes. Instant color photography gives us an alternative way of realizing excellent color reproduction, in which dyes changing their diffusibility play an important role. The aim of this book is to provide researchers and graduate students with a perspective on how such organic compounds work in color photography and how seemingly miraculous techniques based on organic chemistry lead to color images of high quality. The readers will acquire the philosophy and learn from hints on how to develop functionalized organic compounds....

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Сапунов (подарочное издание). Ида Гофман . Книги.

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