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Essential Elements of Business Character Herbert G. Stockwell
1911. Whether old or new, business methods are but tools by means of which we disclose, exercise and communicate human nature; but that human nature remains the same until changed in those individuals who, stirred by some hidden impulse, strive to improve it in themselves. This improvement as applied to business is obtained through an understanding of what is required to obtain its essentials; and this little book contains a few of the observations which Mr. Stockwell made of the best business characteristics through contact with some highly successful men....
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The Wall Street Journal Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage Paul R. Martin
The indispensable resource that has helped the writers and editors of The Wall Street Journal earn a reputation for the most authoritative business writing anywhere -- now fully expanded and revised for the twenty-first century In the field of business, the words you use -- and how you use them -- can either bolster your credibility or undermine your intelligence. For anyone who is faced with the task of writing a memo, report, proposal, press release or even an e-mail, The Wall Street Journal Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage is an invaluable one-stop resource. Originally intended exclusively for use by the paper's staff, the book is organized in a user-friendly A to Z format, with appropriate cross-referencing, that helps you solve almost any question of spelling, grammar, punctuation or word definition. For those seeking a competitive edge for succeeding in the world of business, The Wall Street Journal Essential Guide to Business Style and......
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Careers for High-Energy People & Other Go-Getters (Vgm Careers for You Series) Marjorie Eberts
The only career series designed expressly to turn passions into paychecks! The Careers for You series inspires career explorers to look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. Each book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living--including many little-known but delightful careers that will surprise readers....
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Nonlinear Modelling of High Frequency Financial Time Series (Financial Economics and Quantitative Analysis Series) Christian L. Dunis, Bin Zhou
In the competitive and risky environment of todays financial markets, daily prices and models based upon low frequency price series data do not provide the level of accuracy required by traders and a growing number of risk managers. To improve results, more and more researchers and practitioners are turning to high frequency data. Nonlinear Modelling of High Frequency Financial Time Series presents the latest developments and views of leading international researchers and market practitioners, in modelling high frequency data in finance. Combining both nonlinear modelling and intraday data for financial markets, the editors provide a fascinating foray into this extremely popular discipline. This book evolves around four major themes. The first introductory section focuses on high frequency financial data. The second part examines the exact nature of the time series considered: several linearity tests are presented and applied and their modelling implications assessed. The third and......
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Volatility and Correlation (WILEY FINANCE) Riccardo Rebonato
The new edition of Volatility and Correlation has been thoroughly updated and expanded with over 80ew or reworked material, reflecting the changes and developments that have taken place in the field. The new and updated material includes: empirical and theoretical analysis of the smile dynamics; examination of the perfect-replication model in relation to exotic options; treatment of additional important models, namely, Variance Gamma, displaced diffusion, CEV, stochastic volatility for interest-rate smiles and equity/FX options; questioning of the informational efficiency of markets in commonly-used calibration and hedging practices. The book is split into four sections. Part I deals with a deterministic-volatility Black world (no smiles),and sets out the author's 'philosophical' approach to option pricing. Part II deals with smiles in the equity and FX worlds. Beginning with a review of relevant empirical information about smiles, this part provides coverage of......
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Essential Elements of Business Character. Herbert G. Stockwell . Книги.
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