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Leadership Ethics: An Introduction Terry L. Price
Leadership Ethics uses moral theory, as well as empirical research in psychology, to evaluate the reasons everyday leaders give to justify breaking the rules. Written for academics, practitioners, and students without a background in philosophy, it introduces readers to the moral theories that are relevant to leadership ethics: relativism, amoralism, Kantianism, egoism, virtue ethics, social contract theory, situation ethics, communitarianism, and cosmopolitan theories such as utilitarianism and transformational leadership....
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Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) George E. P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins, Gregory C. Reinsel
This is a revision of a classic, seminal, and authoritative book that has been the model for most books on the topic written since 1970. It focuses on practical techniques throughout, rather than a rigorous mathematical treatment of the subject. It explores the building of stochastic (statistical) models for time series and their use in important areas of application forecasting, model specification, estimation, modeling the effects of intervention events, and process control, among others. In addition to meticulous modifications in content and improvements in style, the new edition incorporates several new topics in an effort to modernize the subject matter. These topics include extensive discussions of multivariate time series, smoothing, likelihood function based on the state space model, autoregressive models, structural component models and deterministic seasonal components, and nonlinear and long memory models....
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Google AdSense For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Jerri L. Ledford
You can get paid for online ad placement with Google AdSense! If you’ve ever considered using AdSense to improve revenue for your Web site, Google AdSense For Dummies will get you started. It’s loaded with tips to help you implement a successful AdSense program. AdSense lets you generate income with ad placement on blogs and Web sites. Google AdSense For Dummies shows you how AdSense works, how to analyze cost per click and track AdSense results, and how to earn money from your blog or Web site without selling a product. Discover how to: Register and set up an AdSense program Track results with server logs, AdSense reports, and Google Analytics Boost AdSense income with search engine optimization techniques Apply Google guidelines by including relevant links and content, making your site easy to navigate, using a sitemap, and keeping links in good repair Fine-tune your Web site with beefed-up content to please Google and boost effectiveness ......
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Здравствуй, Ленинград! М. Басина
Детская литература. Ленинград. Путеводитель по знаменательным местам, музеям и досторимечательностям Ленинграда. Автор рассказывает о том, что изображено на многочисленных черно-белых фотографиях. Фотографии показывают нам как уже привычные виды города, так и подсмотренные сценки из жизни горожан. В книге этой душа Ленинградская!...
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Bulgaria Business Intelligence Report (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Bulgaria Business Intelligence Report...
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Leadership Ethics: An Introduction. Terry L. Price . Книги.
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