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The Goodyear Story: An Inventor's Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly Richard Korman
Long before the Robber Barons made America into an international economic power, a generation of visionary inventors gambled on innovations they hoped would bring them riches. Chief among them was Charles Goodyear, who, in the 1830s, began his obsessive quest to find the recipe for rubber, a material he believed would change the world. In chasing his dream, Goodyear entered a Dickensian underworld, miring his family in poverty, spending extended periods in debtors' prison, and provoking powerful enemies who were also determined to understand and control this miracle substance. His victory in a triumphant lawsuit argued eloquently by Daniel Webster made Goodyear into an American industrial legend, but never released him from his tragic obsession and the pain it caused those close to him. In "The Goodyear Story," Richard Korman has written a fascinating biography that also provides a panoramic view of America in the first light of its industrial revolution. Drawing on newly......
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Building a Modern Financial System: The Indonesian Experience David C. Cole, Betty F. Slade, David Cole
Building a Modern Financial System provides a unique "inside" account of all aspects of the Indonesian financial system over the past three decades, indicating policies adopted, their effects, and the pressures that influenced policy choices. Indonesia provides an interesting example of financial modernization: it was considered a "hopeless case" in the mid 1960s, after which it maintained a balanced fiscal policy and largely unrestrained foreign capital movements up until the recent upheavals of the mid 1990s....
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Customer Fraud and Business Responses : Let the Marketer Beware Kelly Tian, Bill Keep
From remarkably frank and believable responses to their research questionnaire, marketers Tian and Keep provide a wide ranging catalogue of frauds that customers perpetrate on businesses--and why they do it. The researchers report that customer fraud seems to be achieving the status of socially acceptable behavior. Not only do individuals practice it themselves, they share their tactics and strategies with friends, then justify it by saying they are attempting to reestablish justice in the marketplace. The result is a richly detailed study of a growing and economically dangerous trend--and the steps that marketers can take to combat it....
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The Ethics of Accounting and Finance W. Michael Hoffman, Judith Brown Kamm, Robert E. Frederick, Edward S. Petry
Edited and revised specifically for this volume, here are the best papers from the Tenth National Conference on Business Ethics, sponsored by Bentley College's Center for Business Ethics. Throughout, the contributors emphasize the ethical dimensions of problems and issues that confront the financial services and accounting industries, issues that are also of critical importance to business generally. Included among the contributors are members of the academic community, lawyers, government officials, andfinancial services and accounting professionals, each with his or her own special perspective, but all focused on the central theme: the importance of ethics and its proper role in the way financial services and accounting are done. Thoughtful, challenging reading, not only for academics but for finance and accounting professionals as well....
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Bigwig Briefs: Become an Investment Banker - The Real World Intelligence Necessary to Become a Successful Investment Banker Aspatore Books, Aspatore Books Staff
Bigwig Briefs: Become an Investment Banker includes knowledge excerpts from some of the leading I-Bankers in the world on ways to become a investment banker, be successful, and rise through the ranks. These highly acclaimed I-Bankers from some of the biggest brand name financial companies in the world (such as the heads of investment banking from Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup and more) explain the secrets behind keeping your deal skills sharp, working with a team, empowering positive change within your group, working with your boss, utilizing your "special" banking talents, getting noticed, motivating others and additional important topics. A must have for every individual involved in investment banking, or wanting to get into investment banking, at every level. Praise For Bigwig Briefs: "...required reading...short, authoritative and worth its weight in gold..." Murray B. Low, Executive Director, Eugene M. Lang Center for Entrepreneurship,......
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The Goodyear Story: An Inventor's Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly. Richard Korman . Книги.
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