Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory With Computer Science Applications (Computer Science and Scientific Computing)

Arnold O. Allen

  Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory With Computer Science Applications (Computer Science and Scientific Computing)  Arnold O. Allen  This is a textbook on applied probability and statistics with computer science applications for students at the upper undergraduate level. It may also be used as a self study book for the practicing computer science professional. The successful first edition of this book proved extremely useful to students who need to use probability, statistics and queueing theory to solve problems in other fields, such as engineering, physics, operations research, and management science. The book has also been successfully used for courses in queueing theory for operations research students. This second edition includes a new chapter on regression as well as more than twice as many exercises at the end of each chapter. While the emphasis is the same as in the first edition, this new book makes more extensive use of available personal computer software, such as Minitab and Mathematica.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a textbook on applied probability and statistics with computer science applications for students at the upper undergraduate level. It may also be used as a self study book for the practicing computer science professional. The successful first edition of this book proved extremely useful to students who need to use probability, statistics and queueing theory to solve problems in other fields, such as engineering, physics, operations research, and management science. The book has also been successfully used for courses in queueing theory for operations research students. This second edition includes a new chapter on regression as well as more than twice as many exercises at the end of each chapter. While the emphasis is the same as in the first edition, this new book makes more extensive use of available personal computer software, such as Minitab and Mathematica....

The Abc?s of Quattro Pro for Windows

Alan Simpson

  The Abc?s of Quattro Pro for Windows  Alan Simpson  This book is written for those who are not familiar with computers, computer terminology or other spreadsheets. It is designed so that the user can start to use Quattro Pro immediately without having to wade through a 700 page manual of details and technical information. The book is written in scenario style, bringing in the different elements of the program as you would normally seek to use them. The first four chapters offer a step-by-step approach, in plain English, that introduces you to QuattroProA?s capabilities quickly and easily. Later chapters discuss ways to edit entries, manipulate data, and handle blocks of data elegantly and easilyA?as well as how to graph and print data and use them in a database.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is written for those who are not familiar with computers, computer terminology or other spreadsheets. It is designed so that the user can start to use Quattro Pro immediately without having to wade through a 700 page manual of details and technical information. The book is written in scenario style, bringing in the different elements of the program as you would normally seek to use them. The first four chapters offer a step-by-step approach, in plain English, that introduces you to QuattroProA?s capabilities quickly and easily. Later chapters discuss ways to edit entries, manipulate data, and handle blocks of data elegantly and easilyA?as well as how to graph and print data and use them in a database....

Abdominal Bloating - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

  Abdominal Bloating - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re  In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....

Mobile Computing Principles : Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML

Reza B'Far

  Mobile Computing Principles : Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML  Reza B'Far  Written to address technical concerns that mobile developers face, this book explores the differences between mobile and stationary applications and the architectural and software development concepts needed to build mobile applications. Reza B'far guides the developer through the development process, using UML from design to implementation. He focuses on general concepts, while using platforms as examples or as possible tools. After introducing UML, XML, and the derivative tools necessary for developingmobile software applications, B'far demonstrates how to build user interfaces for mobile applications.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Written to address technical concerns that mobile developers face, this book explores the differences between mobile and stationary applications and the architectural and software development concepts needed to build mobile applications. Reza B'far guides the developer through the development process, using UML from design to implementation. He focuses on general concepts, while using platforms as examples or as possible tools. After introducing UML, XML, and the derivative tools necessary for developingmobile software applications, B'far demonstrates how to build user interfaces for mobile applications....

Здания жилые многоквартирные. СНиП 31-01-2003

  Здания жилые многоквартирные. СНиП 31-01-2003  ДЕАН.   Безопасность труда России.   Разработаны Федеральным государственным унитарным предприятием - Центром методологии нормирования и стандартизации в строительстве (ФГУП ЦНС), ОАО ДЕАН. Безопасность труда России. Разработаны Федеральным государственным унитарным предприятием - Центром методологии нормирования и стандартизации в строительстве (ФГУП ЦНС), ОАО "ЦНИИЭПжилища", МНИИТЭП, НИИ экологии человека и гигиены окружающей среды им. А.А.Сысина с участием коллектива специалистов ведущих научно-исследовательских и проектных организаций. Внесены Управлением технического нормирования, стандартизации и сертификации в строительстве и ЖКХ Госстроя России. Приняты и введены в действие с 1 октября 2003 г. постановлением Госстроя России от 23.06.2003 г. № 109. Взамен СНиП 2.08.01-89*...

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Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory With Computer Science Applications (Computer Science and Scientific Computing). Arnold O. Allen . Книги.

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