Fidel (Siete Cuentos) (Spanish Edition)

NA©stor Kohan

  Fidel (Siete Cuentos) (Spanish Edition)  NA©stor Kohan  The Cuban Revolution of 1959, spearheaded by the young Fidel Castro along with his companion in arms, Ernesto The Cuban Revolution of 1959, spearheaded by the young Fidel Castro along with his companion in arms, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, is mythic in both its dream and reality. Fidel offers a uniquely readable and illustrated account of the struggle for Castro to define and defend his nation in the face of fear and opposition from the United States, Cuba's neighbor a scant ninety miles away. In addition to discussing the Bay of Pigs and the Cold War, the author examines Cuban influence in Latin American insurgencies, the student protests of 1968 Europe, the African-American uprisings of the United States, the liberation of Vietnam, the decolonization of Africa, the end of Apartheid, and the rise of Cuban-ally Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela. Along with entertaining comics and photographs, this short read traces the ambitions of Castro as he aims to endow the face of socialism with creative, intelligent, and humanitarian features, and shows a man indistinguishable from his revolution and......

Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color Happens

Osbel Suarez

  Carlos Cruz-Diez: Color Happens  Osbel Suarez  Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, 1923) promotes experimentation with color and is one of the most relevant examples of the Kinetic Art Movement. The catalogue covers Cruz-Diez's career including his beginnings as a graphic designer. The 1950s and 1960s are presented through a carefully selected group of unedited documents including magazines and catalogues that he illustrated and designed during that time period. This chapter in Cruz Diez's career directly correlates with his unique artistic language, which he continues to apply in his works today. The catalogue illustrates almost thirty works by Carlos Cruz-Diez. Their presentation takes into account the original series in which they were first exhibited. These series allow insight into the artist's personal concept and organization of his body of work. At the same time, the series reflect his incredible ambition and eagerness to experiment. His invented jargon stands out in all of the series with titles so typically Cruz-Diez such as...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, 1923) promotes experimentation with color and is one of the most relevant examples of the Kinetic Art Movement. The catalogue covers Cruz-Diez's career including his beginnings as a graphic designer. The 1950s and 1960s are presented through a carefully selected group of unedited documents including magazines and catalogues that he illustrated and designed during that time period. This chapter in Cruz Diez's career directly correlates with his unique artistic language, which he continues to apply in his works today. The catalogue illustrates almost thirty works by Carlos Cruz-Diez. Their presentation takes into account the original series in which they were first exhibited. These series allow insight into the artist's personal concept and organization of his body of work. At the same time, the series reflect his incredible ambition and eagerness to experiment. His invented jargon stands out in all of the series with titles so typically Cruz-Diez such as......

The Best American Short Plays 2007-2008

Barbara Parisi

  The Best American Short Plays 2007-2008  Barbara Parisi  Applause is proud to continue the series that for over 60 years has been the standard of excellence for one-act plays in America. Our editor Barbara Parisi has selected the following 14 plays: A Roz by Any Other Name and Weird, by B. T. Ryback; Bricklayers Poet, by Joe Maruzzo; Laundry and Lies, by Adam Kraar; Light, by Jeni Mahoney; House of the Holy Moment, by Cary Pepper; The Disruptive, Discursive Delusions of Donald, by Michael Roderick; The Perfect Relationship, by Jill Elaine Hughes; The Hysterical Misogynist, by Murray Schisgal; The Perfect Medium, by Eileen Fischer; Outsourced, by Laura Shaine Cunningham; Elvis of Nazareth, by Jay Huling; Dead Trees, by Rick Pulos; Five Story Walkup, by Daniel Gallant, including his own play and others by John Guare, Neil LaBute, Quincy Long, Laura Shaine Cunningham, Clay McLeod Chapman, and Daniel Frederick Levin; and G.C., by Theodore Mann.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Applause is proud to continue the series that for over 60 years has been the standard of excellence for one-act plays in America. Our editor Barbara Parisi has selected the following 14 plays: A Roz by Any Other Name and Weird, by B. T. Ryback; Bricklayers Poet, by Joe Maruzzo; Laundry and Lies, by Adam Kraar; Light, by Jeni Mahoney; House of the Holy Moment, by Cary Pepper; The Disruptive, Discursive Delusions of Donald, by Michael Roderick; The Perfect Relationship, by Jill Elaine Hughes; The Hysterical Misogynist, by Murray Schisgal; The Perfect Medium, by Eileen Fischer; Outsourced, by Laura Shaine Cunningham; Elvis of Nazareth, by Jay Huling; Dead Trees, by Rick Pulos; Five Story Walkup, by Daniel Gallant, including his own play and others by John Guare, Neil LaBute, Quincy Long, Laura Shaine Cunningham, Clay McLeod Chapman, and Daniel Frederick Levin; and G.C., by Theodore Mann....

Сокровища Аба-Туры

Юрий Могутин

  Сокровища Аба-Туры  Юрий Могутин  Западно-Сибирское книжное издательство.   Сибирью связанные судьбы.   Повесть воспроизводит события XVI-XVII веков. Основанная на историческом материале, она рассказывает о русских первопроходцах земли Кузнецкой, об основании первых поселений на территории современного Кузбасса. Это первая в художественной литературе попытка воссоздать историю Кузбасса и образы его первопроходцев.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Западно-Сибирское книжное издательство. Сибирью связанные судьбы. Повесть воспроизводит события XVI-XVII веков. Основанная на историческом материале, она рассказывает о русских первопроходцах земли Кузнецкой, об основании первых поселений на территории современного Кузбасса. Это первая в художественной литературе попытка воссоздать историю Кузбасса и образы его первопроходцев....

Тайный код имени

Катерина Соляник

  Тайный код имени  Катерина Соляник  Книжный клуб Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков. В книге даются толкования мужских и женских имен, в том числе уменьшительно-ласкательных. Описание каждого имени сопровождается цветовыми диаграммами, которые отображают его энергетические вибрации и могут быть использованы в качестве талисманов....

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Fidel (Siete Cuentos) (Spanish Edition). NA©stor Kohan . Книги.

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