Molecular Biomethods Handbook (Methods in Molecular Biology)

  Molecular Biomethods Handbook (Methods in Molecular Biology)  Recent advances in the biosciences have led to a range of powerful new technologies, particularly nucleic acid, protein and cell-based methodologies. The most recent insights have come to affect how scientists investigate and define cellular processes at the molecular level. Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition expands upon the techniques included in the first edition, providing theory, outlines of practical procedures, and applications for a range of techniques. Part A of the book describes nucleic acid methods, such as gene expression profiling, microarray analysis and quantitative PCR. In Part B, protein and cell-based methods are outlined, in subjects ranging from protein engineering to high throughput screening. Written by a well-established panel of research scientists, Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition provides an up to date collection of methods used regularly in the authors’ own research programs. This book will prove to be an invaluable reference for those...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Recent advances in the biosciences have led to a range of powerful new technologies, particularly nucleic acid, protein and cell-based methodologies. The most recent insights have come to affect how scientists investigate and define cellular processes at the molecular level. Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition expands upon the techniques included in the first edition, providing theory, outlines of practical procedures, and applications for a range of techniques. Part A of the book describes nucleic acid methods, such as gene expression profiling, microarray analysis and quantitative PCR. In Part B, protein and cell-based methods are outlined, in subjects ranging from protein engineering to high throughput screening. Written by a well-established panel of research scientists, Molecular Biomethods Handbook, 2nd Edition provides an up to date collection of methods used regularly in the authors’ own research programs. This book will prove to be an invaluable reference for those......

Лучи, шары и волны

Т. Г. Казакова

  Лучи, шары и волны  Т. Г. Казакова  Карапуз.   Для самых-самых маленьких.   Эта книжка для вашего крохи: в ней он сможет попробовать свои силы в рисовании карандашами. Дети 2-4 лет пока рисуют в сотворчестве с художником (который уже свою работу сделал) и близким взрослым (который будет помогать). А ребенок 3-4 лет уже может сам дорисовать некоторые элементы. Для малыша книга будет упражнением в раскрашивании карандашами и в освоении нескольких простейших элементов - волнистой и прямой линии, круга и овала. Ваше участие в работе ребенка очень важно для него: во-первых, он сможет ориентироваться на ваши движения карандашом и поначалу просто повторять за вами, а во-вторых, вы не дадите его интересу ослабнуть. Ненавязчиво вовлекайте кроху в игру, разворачивайте сюжет, Карапуз. Для самых-самых маленьких. Эта книжка для вашего крохи: в ней он сможет попробовать свои силы в рисовании карандашами. Дети 2-4 лет пока рисуют в сотворчестве с художником (который уже свою работу сделал) и близким взрослым (который будет помогать). А ребенок 3-4 лет уже может сам дорисовать некоторые элементы. Для малыша книга будет упражнением в раскрашивании карандашами и в освоении нескольких простейших элементов - волнистой и прямой линии, круга и овала. Ваше участие в работе ребенка очень важно для него: во-первых, он сможет ориентироваться на ваши движения карандашом и поначалу просто повторять за вами, а во-вторых, вы не дадите его интересу ослабнуть. Ненавязчиво вовлекайте кроху в игру, разворачивайте сюжет, "озвучивайте" героев картинки....

Экспансия III

Юлиан Семенов

  Экспансия III  Юлиан Семенов  Астрель, Русь-Олимп.   Роман Астрель, Русь-Олимп. Роман "Экспансия III" переносит нас сначала в послевоенную франкистскую Испанию, а затем в Аргентину, где скрестились интересы разведок самых разных стран. И вновь полковник Исаев, проходя порой буквально по лезвию бритвы, безукоризненно справляется с проведением сложнейшей операции по разоблачению планов нацистов....

Dragons' Den: Success from Pitch to Profit

Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Richard Farleigh, Theo Paphitis, James Caan, Evan Dav

  Dragons' Den: Success from Pitch to Profit  Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Richard Farleigh, Theo Paphitis, James Caan, Evan Dav  Learn how to be a success from the business lessons of the Dragons and the financial advice of Evan Davis. Britain's best loved business brains —Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis, and Richard Farleigh along with economics expertEvan Davis—divulge the secrets of their success in this essential read. Joining them is James Caan, the new Dragon who will be part of the team in the new season of the television show. James is a multi-millionaire businessman and entrepreneur. Dragons' Dn is packed with advice, whether you want to perfect your pitching skills, develop an idea or make more money. The Dragons will look at what's become of the entrepreneurs who entered the Dragons' Den. Some went away emptyhanded but have since become succesful. Others won the backing of the Dragons but failed to make their dream come true. The Dragons will show you what should have been done, what should have happened next, and how you too could win their backing and become a business...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learn how to be a success from the business lessons of the Dragons and the financial advice of Evan Davis. Britain's best loved business brains —Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis, and Richard Farleigh along with economics expertEvan Davis—divulge the secrets of their success in this essential read. Joining them is James Caan, the new Dragon who will be part of the team in the new season of the television show. James is a multi-millionaire businessman and entrepreneur. Dragons' Dn is packed with advice, whether you want to perfect your pitching skills, develop an idea or make more money. The Dragons will look at what's become of the entrepreneurs who entered the Dragons' Den. Some went away emptyhanded but have since become succesful. Others won the backing of the Dragons but failed to make their dream come true. The Dragons will show you what should have been done, what should have happened next, and how you too could win their backing and become a business......

Resumes for 50+ Job Hunters (Professional Resumes Series)

Editors of VGM Career Books

  Resumes for 50+ Job Hunters (Professional Resumes Series)  Editors of VGM Career Books  Nearly 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters for each field-more than any competing series A workbook format to organize information before writing a resume Perfect for college grads and people changing careers or re-entering the job market A variety of eye-catching resume formats  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Nearly 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters for each field-more than any competing series A workbook format to organize information before writing a resume Perfect for college grads and people changing careers or re-entering the job market A variety of eye-catching resume formats...

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Molecular Biomethods Handbook (Methods in Molecular Biology). . Книги.

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