Is There Life After Film School?

Julie Maclusky

  Is There Life After Film School?  Julie Maclusky  Q: What are your most hated films? A: I've walked out of so many I can't even tell you. And I'd probably walk out of many of my own. The lucky students who get into film school (and then get through it without dropping out) have to compete for a small number of prestigious jobs once they graduate. Despite the enormous odds stacked against them, most students leave film school still hoping to become the next Spielberg or Scorsese. The mismatch between their dreams and the reality of working in the industry itself is considerable. Q: What are your most hated films? A: I've walked out of so many I can't even tell you. And I'd probably walk out of many of my own. The lucky students who get into film school (and then get through it without dropping out) have to compete for a small number of prestigious jobs once they graduate. Despite the enormous odds stacked against them, most students leave film school still hoping to become the next Spielberg or Scorsese. The mismatch between their dreams and the reality of working in the industry itself is considerable. "Is There Life After Film School?" shows that there are more options available to students than they might think. Through a series of in-depth, candid, and entertaining interviews with film industry insiders, the book reveals a range of career paths taken by scriptwriters, production designers, producers, and marketers. All of the interviewees share with the reader the specific qualities and crucial insider information that distinguish successful......

Antitrust Policy And Vertical Restraints (AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies S.)

  Antitrust Policy And Vertical Restraints (AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies S.)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Векторно-фазовые методы в акустике

В. А. Гордиенко

  Векторно-фазовые методы в акустике  В. А. Гордиенко  ФИЗМАТЛИТ.   Фундаментальная и прикладная физика.   Впервые последовательно, в форме, доступной читателю, далекому от актуальных задач гидроакустики, и вместе с тем на достаточно высоком научном уровне излагается один из интереснейших подходов к регистрации акустических полей, получивший в России название ФИЗМАТЛИТ. Фундаментальная и прикладная физика. Впервые последовательно, в форме, доступной читателю, далекому от актуальных задач гидроакустики, и вместе с тем на достаточно высоком научном уровне излагается один из интереснейших подходов к регистрации акустических полей, получивший в России название "векторно-фазовые методы". Текст книги представляет собой расширенный вариант курса лекций, читаемого автором на физическом факультете МГУ. Для студентов, аспирантов, а также специалистов, желающих получить достаточно полное представление о возможностях векторно-фазовых методов при решении самых разнообразных акустических задач: обнаружение слабых источников сигнала на фоне шумов, задачи биоакустики, экологии, предсказание землетрясений....

Watercolor Landscapes: The Complete Guide to Painting Landscapes

Richard Taylor

  Watercolor Landscapes: The Complete Guide to Painting Landscapes  Richard Taylor  An experienced artist and teacher uses stunning examples of his own work to explain every facet of watercolor landscape painting. Explore the wide range of effects possible with different brushstrokes and washes, such as blotting and sponging to produce texture and working with color to suggest movement. Plenty of practical suggestions on choosing materials and supplies are included along with inspiring, annotated studies and easy-to-follow projects that demonstrate basic techniques in action, including painting all kinds of skies, depicting perspective, creating shadows, combining colors and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An experienced artist and teacher uses stunning examples of his own work to explain every facet of watercolor landscape painting. Explore the wide range of effects possible with different brushstrokes and washes, such as blotting and sponging to produce texture and working with color to suggest movement. Plenty of practical suggestions on choosing materials and supplies are included along with inspiring, annotated studies and easy-to-follow projects that demonstrate basic techniques in action, including painting all kinds of skies, depicting perspective, creating shadows, combining colors and more....

William Christenberry

  William Christenberry  Since the early 1960s, William Christenberry has plumbed the regional identity of the American South through his work in Hale County, Alabama, where he was raised. Although he is most often associated with--and recognized as a pioneer in--American color photography, he also works in an unorthodox mix of media that includes sculpture, drawing, painting and found-object assemblage. This comprehensive survey of his work considers all those practices together, and in doing so gives readers access to the full scope and complexity of his vision. In every medium, ChristenberryA­s theme is unified: the history, the story of place, is at the heart of his project. His poetic documentation of vernacular architecture, signage and landscape captures moments of quiet beauty in a sometimes mythic terrain that, with its worn iconography and buildings turned ramshackle, evokes the form and power of the passage of time. Since relocating to Washington, D.C., in 1968, Christenberry has dutifully returned...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since the early 1960s, William Christenberry has plumbed the regional identity of the American South through his work in Hale County, Alabama, where he was raised. Although he is most often associated with--and recognized as a pioneer in--American color photography, he also works in an unorthodox mix of media that includes sculpture, drawing, painting and found-object assemblage. This comprehensive survey of his work considers all those practices together, and in doing so gives readers access to the full scope and complexity of his vision. In every medium, ChristenberryA­s theme is unified: the history, the story of place, is at the heart of his project. His poetic documentation of vernacular architecture, signage and landscape captures moments of quiet beauty in a sometimes mythic terrain that, with its worn iconography and buildings turned ramshackle, evokes the form and power of the passage of time. Since relocating to Washington, D.C., in 1968, Christenberry has dutifully returned......

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Is There Life After Film School?. Julie Maclusky . Книги.

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