Exploring Marketing Research (with Qualtrics Card)

William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin

  Exploring Marketing Research (with Qualtrics Card)  William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin  EXPLORING MARKETING RESEARCH deals with the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of marketing research data relevant to a firm's current and future needs. The text focuses on students as managers, not practitioners, of marketing research. Students learn about traditional types of marketing research, such as designing questionnaires, as well as the latest technological developments that facilitate marketing research including data collection devices, data analysis tools, and practical approaches to data analysis. In addition, this edition places more emphasis on ethical and international issues relating to marketing research.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин EXPLORING MARKETING RESEARCH deals with the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of marketing research data relevant to a firm's current and future needs. The text focuses on students as managers, not practitioners, of marketing research. Students learn about traditional types of marketing research, such as designing questionnaires, as well as the latest technological developments that facilitate marketing research including data collection devices, data analysis tools, and practical approaches to data analysis. In addition, this edition places more emphasis on ethical and international issues relating to marketing research....

Start Your Own Green Business (Start Your Own...)

Entrepreneur Press and Rich Mintzer

  Start Your Own Green Business (Start Your Own...)  Entrepreneur Press and Rich Mintzer  Gain the Eco-Advantage in Today's Business World!. . Do you have a go green or go home attitude? If so, you've got the right outlook for today's business world. Discover how to establish your business as a green business-starting at the ground level, and starting now!. . From helping you explore environmentally-friendly opportunities to choosing eco-friendly means of production, our experts take you step by step, and show you how to protect our planet while building your business. Learn business basics with a green twist including financing, office setup, day-to-day operations and so much more!. . Discover your business and your green competitive edge. Create a sustainable business model-no matter what business you choose. Get funding from green lenders. Manage your company's carbon footprint. Incorporate practical and innovative, earth-friendly solutions at every stage. Establish an environmentally responsible business culture . Use effective marketing to capture...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gain the Eco-Advantage in Today's Business World!. . Do you have a go green or go home attitude? If so, you've got the right outlook for today's business world. Discover how to establish your business as a green business-starting at the ground level, and starting now!. . From helping you explore environmentally-friendly opportunities to choosing eco-friendly means of production, our experts take you step by step, and show you how to protect our planet while building your business. Learn business basics with a green twist including financing, office setup, day-to-day operations and so much more!. . Discover your business and your green competitive edge. Create a sustainable business model-no matter what business you choose. Get funding from green lenders. Manage your company's carbon footprint. Incorporate practical and innovative, earth-friendly solutions at every stage. Establish an environmentally responsible business culture . Use effective marketing to capture......

Brassai Paris

Jean-Claude Gautrand

  Brassai Paris  Jean-Claude Gautrand  Taschen GmbH.   To say Brassai' was hugely talented would be an understatement. He excelled as both draughtsman and sculptor. He was a talented writer who could turn his hand to journalism. Over the years, he won the friendship of countless artists. But it is above all his work as a photographer which has won him a place in history, as the consummate observer of Paris. The night became his intimate companion, and his photographic work is inhabited by a unique kind of tenderness. His greatest gift was his capacity for responding to the slightest hint from the outside world. He acted as both receiver and reflector of the energy around him. He seems to have existed in a state of permanent availability. According to the former director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, John Szarkowski, in the late 1930s European photography was dominated by two main figures: Cartier-Bresson, the master of classical proportion, and Brassai, the master of the bizarre. Формат издания: 24 см х 31 cм.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Taschen GmbH. To say Brassai' was hugely talented would be an understatement. He excelled as both draughtsman and sculptor. He was a talented writer who could turn his hand to journalism. Over the years, he won the friendship of countless artists. But it is above all his work as a photographer which has won him a place in history, as the consummate observer of Paris. The night became his intimate companion, and his photographic work is inhabited by a unique kind of tenderness. His greatest gift was his capacity for responding to the slightest hint from the outside world. He acted as both receiver and reflector of the energy around him. He seems to have existed in a state of permanent availability. According to the former director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, John Szarkowski, in the late 1930s European photography was dominated by two main figures: Cartier-Bresson, the master of classical proportion, and Brassai, the master of the bizarre. Формат издания: 24 см х 31 cм....

Комментарий к Конституции Российской Федерации

Г. Д. Садовникова

  Комментарий к Конституции Российской Федерации  Г. Д. Садовникова  Юрайт.   Профессиональные комментарии.   В постатейном комментарии к Конституции РФ 1993 года разъясняется содержание статей и термины, используемые в её тексте с учетом новейшего законодательства и судебной практики. Автор ссылается на нормы международного права, определяющие Юрайт. Профессиональные комментарии. В постатейном комментарии к Конституции РФ 1993 года разъясняется содержание статей и термины, используемые в её тексте с учетом новейшего законодательства и судебной практики. Автор ссылается на нормы международного права, определяющие "идеологию" Конституции, российские нормативные правовые акты, принятые в развитие положений Конституции, решения Конституционного Суда РФ. Издание предназначено для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов юридических вузов, учащихся школ и колледжей, практикующих юристов, государственных служащих, а также для широкого круга граждан....

История государства и права зарубежных стран

  История государства и права зарубежных стран  АСТ, ВКТ, Сова.   В книге кратко изложены ответы на основные вопросы темы АСТ, ВКТ, Сова. В книге кратко изложены ответы на основные вопросы темы "История государства и права зарубежных стран". Издание поможет систематизировать знания, полученные на лекциях и семинарах, подготовиться к сдаче экзамена или зачета. Посо6ие адресовано студентам высших и средних образовательных учреждений, а также всем, интересующимся данной тематикой....

<<<  Дошкольная педагогика в схемах и таблицах. О. В. Пастюк             China's Entry to the World Trade Organization: Strategic Issues and Quantitative ... >>>

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Exploring Marketing Research (with Qualtrics Card). William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin . Книги.

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