The Economic and Political Aspects of the Tobacco Industry: An Annotated Bibliography and Statistical Review, 1990-2004

Tom Diamond

  The Economic and Political Aspects of the Tobacco Industry: An Annotated Bibliography and Statistical Review, 1990-2004  Tom Diamond  This unique annotated bibliography guides the reader through the economic and political aspects of the tobacco industry from 1990-2004. The work provides access to quality print and electronic materials, and serves as the standard and comprehensive historical reference source for documents examining a critical side of the tobacco industry. Readers will learn about economic aspects such as packaging, products, sponsorships, military sales, and illegal trade (e.g. smuggling). Political facets include California's battle with the industry - politics, politicians, and lobbyists - and the various tobacco settlement agreements. Four appendixes provide statistical data (e.g. military and commissary tobacco sales), tobacco company profiles, selected tobacco litigation, duty-free and tax-free worldwide sales, and tobacco web sites.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This unique annotated bibliography guides the reader through the economic and political aspects of the tobacco industry from 1990-2004. The work provides access to quality print and electronic materials, and serves as the standard and comprehensive historical reference source for documents examining a critical side of the tobacco industry. Readers will learn about economic aspects such as packaging, products, sponsorships, military sales, and illegal trade (e.g. smuggling). Political facets include California's battle with the industry - politics, politicians, and lobbyists - and the various tobacco settlement agreements. Four appendixes provide statistical data (e.g. military and commissary tobacco sales), tobacco company profiles, selected tobacco litigation, duty-free and tax-free worldwide sales, and tobacco web sites....

Labor, Job Growth and the Workplace of the Future

  Labor, Job Growth and the Workplace of the Future  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Angels and Demons in Art (Guide to Imagery Series)

Rosa Giorgi

  Angels and Demons in Art (Guide to Imagery Series)  Rosa Giorgi  This sumptuously illustrated volume analyzes artists' representations of angels and demons and heaven and hell from the Judeo-Christian tradition and describes how these artistic portrayals evolved over time. As with other books in the Guide to Imagery series, the goal of this volume is to help contemporary art enthusiasts decode the symbolic meanings in the great masterworks of Western Art. The first chapter traces the development of images of the Creation and the Afterworld from descriptions of them in the Scriptures through their evolution in later literary and philosophical works. The following two chapters examine artists' depictions of the two paths that humans may take, the path of evil or the path of salvation, and the punishments or rewards found on each. A chapter on the Judgment Day and the end of the world explores portrayals of the mysterious worlds between life and death and in the afterlife. Finally, the author looks at images of angelic and demonic beings ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This sumptuously illustrated volume analyzes artists' representations of angels and demons and heaven and hell from the Judeo-Christian tradition and describes how these artistic portrayals evolved over time. As with other books in the Guide to Imagery series, the goal of this volume is to help contemporary art enthusiasts decode the symbolic meanings in the great masterworks of Western Art. The first chapter traces the development of images of the Creation and the Afterworld from descriptions of them in the Scriptures through their evolution in later literary and philosophical works. The following two chapters examine artists' depictions of the two paths that humans may take, the path of evil or the path of salvation, and the punishments or rewards found on each. A chapter on the Judgment Day and the end of the world explores portrayals of the mysterious worlds between life and death and in the afterlife. Finally, the author looks at images of angelic and demonic beings ......

Mind Magic: Extraordinary Tricks to Mystify, Baffle and Entertain

Marc Lemezma

  Mind Magic: Extraordinary Tricks to Mystify, Baffle and Entertain  Marc Lemezma  Everyone knows that most magic tricks are simply sleight-of-hand. Mental magic, on the other hand, can give the illusion of real paranormal powers. This dazzling collection offers a rich selection of mind-reading, spirit-raising, future-telling illusions, complete with tips on how to present them most effectively. Read palms with amazing accuracy, predict the future with tarot cards, conjure up table-tipping spirits, find psychic connections between people and their possessions, receive uncanny messages from the beyond, and even seem to know what people are thinking. Of course, it's all in fun and all the explanations include the magician's Everyone knows that most magic tricks are simply sleight-of-hand. Mental magic, on the other hand, can give the illusion of real paranormal powers. This dazzling collection offers a rich selection of mind-reading, spirit-raising, future-telling illusions, complete with tips on how to present them most effectively. Read palms with amazing accuracy, predict the future with tarot cards, conjure up table-tipping spirits, find psychic connections between people and their possessions, receive uncanny messages from the beyond, and even seem to know what people are thinking. Of course, it's all in fun and all the explanations include the magician's "patter" that goes with each trick--assuring that no matter how spooky the effect, the audience isn't shocked or terrified, but delightfully amazed....

Howard Roffman Meets the Boys of Bel Ami

  Howard Roffman Meets the Boys of Bel Ami  The brand-new Roffman A?? The brand-new Roffman A??" Bigger, thicker, gorgeous! Howard Roffman is fully committed to the representation of young men and their lives in his work. Like no other he manages to capture images of his boys, their passions and their search for tenderness behind the pose. Sensitively and respectfully he documents the awakening sexuality of young men. The name of Bel Ami is a legend, needing no additional introduction. Through their countless films and photo collections the boys of George Duroy have conquered the hearts of countless gay men the world over....

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The Economic and Political Aspects of the Tobacco Industry: An Annotated Bibliography and Statistical Review, 1990-2004. Tom Diamond . Книги.

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