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Mathematical Biology: An Introduction with Maple and Matlab (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) Ronald W. Shonkwiler
A greatly expanded and updated edition of the popular Introduction to the Mathematics of Biology (Yeargers, Shonkwiler and Herod, Birkhauser 1996), this textbook aims to present mathematical biology as not merely the intrusion of one science into another, but rather as a field with a unity of its own. It retains and expands on the concept of the "computer biology laboratory,” giving students a general perspective of the field before proceeding to more specialized topics. The book is a product of extensive classroom experience, and the student response to it has been exhilarating due to its focus on problems of contemporary interest such as cancer, genetics and aging. A unique feature of the book is its integration of a computer algebra system into the flow of ideas, in a supporting but unobtrusive role. Syntax for both the Maple and Matlab systems is provided in a side-by-side format. The use of a computer algebra system gives students the opportunity to examine "what if” scenarios,......
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Французский роман 1968-1983-1998
Французский институт в Сант-Петербурге. Перед вами каталог выставки, прошедшей 16-23 октября 1998 года и посвященной французскому роману. Выставка была организована по инициативе Министерства Иностранных Дел Франции. Автор экспозиции, Жан-Пьер Сальгас, в прошлом - преподаватель философии, сегодня - литературный критик....
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Building Conflict Competent Teams (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)) Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan
Understanding how to cool down, slow down, and engage the naturally occurring conflicts among team members is critical to the ultimate success of a team. With this book, your team and its members will gain a deeper understanding of how conflict emerges and how to respond in ways that will leverage conflicts to their advantage. Team members will learn the importance of establishing a safe team climate, agreeing on processes to guide interactions, and use of constructive communication skills in order to develop a conflict competent team. As the authors say, conflict is not to be avoided, but embraced and explored. This often results in new, previously unimagined opportunities, solutions and results. The authors include stories, interviews, and examples that provide entertaining and thought provoking insights. They dedicate one chapter to techniques and processes for addressing team conflict that has gone awry. Runde and Flanagan also include useful tips and tools for assessing......
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Andie's Moon Linda Newbery
Usborne Publishing Ltd.. Historical House. Andie dreams of becoming an artist. Her best paintings are inspired by the moon and she's excited about the first moon landing. But she's also worried it may lose its magic once man has set foot there. She loves staying in Chelsea, with the fashion, music and art galleries along the trendy King's Road. There's even a real artist living in the flat downstairs. Could Andie's paintings be good enough to win his approval? Формат издания: 13 см х 20 см....
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Guyana National Development Strategy Handbook Ibp Usa
Guyana National Development Strategy Handbook...
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Mathematical Biology: An Introduction with Maple and Matlab (Graduate Texts in Mathematics). Ronald W. Shonkwiler . Книги.
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