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Taiwan - Not Made In China Viktor Moorsel
The strained relations between Taiwan and China havealways been strongly debated. However, most of theauthors discussing this issue tend to concentrateonly on the political and economic aspects whileneglecting the importance of the historicalbackground and the questions of culture and identity. For this reason our main ambition is to study theTaiwan-issue from as much viewpoints as possible. Webegin with the overview of the Taiwanese history. Wealso deal with the issue of the Taiwanese economy,concentrating on the unique economic miracle. What ismore, we scrutinise the Taiwanese identity which hasbecome an interesting issue in the past decades. We would like to argue that Taiwan has the right tobe recognised as an independent, sovereign state andto take its due place in the internationalorganisations. We believe that China should acceptthe present developments and recognise Taiwan as anindependent country. Our analysis could be really informative for thosewho are interested in any......
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Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, Volume 11 (Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research)
Volume 2 in this series begins with essays written by Robert H. Ashton and Ken T. Trotman who share their unique perspectives and remarkable insight and wisdom on accounting behavioral research. Part II provides 10 high-quality papers by authors who represent some of the best and brightest minds in their respective fields. Part III contains a methodological paper on the uses and misuses of Cronbach's alpha in behavioral research. This is a "must-read" for Ph.D students and researchers who desire to rely on the estimated reliability properties of the Cronbach alpha statistic....
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Geschaftserfolg in China: Strategien fur den gro?ten Markt der Welt Dirk Holtbrugge, Jonas F. Puck
Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem die Medien nicht uber die dynamische Wirtschaftsentwicklung in China berichten. Ein Engagement in China muss jedoch sorgfaltig gepruft werden, da schleppende Genehmigungsverfahren, Patent- und Markenrechtsverletzungen, Probleme mit lokalen Zulieferern oder interkulturelle Managementkonflikte an der Tagesordnung sind. In diesem Buch werden die Bedingungen fur auslandische Unternehmen in China anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele dargestellt und konkrete Entscheidungshilfen fur die Planung und Durchfuhrung eines betrieblichen Engagements gegeben. Im Mittelpunkt stehen unterschiedliche Strategien des Markteintritts und der Marktbearbeitung, die Gestaltung von Organisation, Personalmanagement und Controlling sowie die Beziehungen zur staatlichen Administration. Das Buch, das auf der langjahrigen Beratung und Untersuchung deutscher Firmen basiert, richtet sich sowohl an Unternehmen, die gegenwartig ein Engagement in China prufen, als auch an solche, die......
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Codes & Cheats Fall 2008: Prima Games Code Book (Codes & Cheats) Prima Games
The Codes & Cheats Fall 2008 Edition includes over 18,000 codes, cheats, and unlockables for over 1,500 of the most popular current and next-gen games on the biggest platforms, including PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360! All your favorite oldies but goldies brought back for the Wii! Infinite lives, invincibility, all items, and hidden content are at your fingertips....
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Head First SQL Code Magnet Kit (Head First)
Head Team...
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Taiwan - Not Made In China. Viktor Moorsel . Книги.
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