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Белоруссия - это "Брестская крепость" современной России Ю. Ф. Годин
Издательство ИТРК. Данная книга обращает внимание читателя на значимость геополитических, экономических и духовно-исторических факторов единения России и Белоруссии после развала СССР, раскрывает анатомию их двусторонней интеграции и дает ответы на вопрос, почему Москва должна сохранить союз с Минском. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, научных исследователей, законодателей и госуправленцев, на тех, кого волнуют проблемы объединения России и Белоруссии в союзное государство и кто участвует в его создании....
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Doing Business and Investing in Gambia Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Doing Business and Investing in Gambia Guide...
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From Alienation to Addiction: Modern American Work in Global Historical Perspective (U.S. History in International Perspective) (U.S. History in International Perspective) Peter N. Stearns
This book has two foci: first, an examination of how work changed as societies industrialized. Modern work, not only in factories but also offices and elsewhere, has characteristics of speed, supervision, and subdivision of tasks that separate it from traditional forms of labor. Seeing how this transition occurred and what it has meant to different groups as industrial systems spread allows history to be used to illuminate current patterns and problems. Second, the book looks at ways modern American work has differed, somewhat, from work responses elsewhere particularly through unusually heavy emphasis on the work ethic. At times, American patterns have had significant influence beyond the national borders. Comparative analysis shows how the results of a somewhat distinctive national history spill over into contemporary experience including the unusually limited amount of time Americans currently spend on vacations compared to their counterparts elsewhere. Featuring major changes over......
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China: El regreso del imperio del centro
Jose Saavedra, Gloria Claudio...
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Laptops For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Dan Gookin
Laptops For Dummies, 3rd Edition shows you how to use your laptop to its fullest potential, from how to purchase a laptop and what to do when you first open the box to how to keep your laptop safe and running smoothly. You will discover how to choose and purchase the right laptop for you, how to set up and maintain your laptop, customize user accounts, adding your laptop to networks, printing, and connecting to the Internet. In this updated and revised edition, find information about synchronizing with the desktop, coordinating email pickup between two machines, remote access to the desktop, networking, power management, storage, and especially laptop security. You’ll find out how to: Navigate all your laptop’s components Use keyboard shortcuts and a mouse Organize and manage files and accounts Print files and add your laptop to a network Properly equip your laptop carrying case with tools and resources Manage the power supply Add......
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На главную
Белоруссия - это "Брестская крепость" современной России. Ю. Ф. Годин . Книги.
Петрозаводск, Саранск,
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