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Oriental Style
Page One. A survey of Chinese design style in the most sophisticated urban Properties in China, this volume examines in detail how historic Chinese domestic style is assimilated, from patterns, motifs and antiques rich in symbolism, to simple and elegant objects. Extravagantly illustrated, Oriental Style is an authentic, insightful, and visually breathtaking treat to architecture, furniture, decorative accessories in homes united by their owners' passion for Chinese design and style. Формат: 25 см х 26,5 см....
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HELP! My Teen Thinks I'm the Enemy (The Help! Series)
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Finding Butterflies in Arizona: A Guide to the Best Sites
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Snakes & Other Reptiles: Includes America's Deadliest Snakes
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Profiling Your Date: A Smart Woman's Guide to Evaluating a Man Caroline Presno
St. Martin's Griffin. To get into a man's heart, you have to get into his head. With this insider's guide to evaluating a man, Caroline Presno, Ed.D., P.C.C. teaches women how to apply psychotherapists' tricks of the trade to finding Mr. Right. Caroline Presno has developed systematic ways to 'profile' a man for his degree of commitment readiness, his aptitude for love and intimacy, his chance of lying, or being unfaithful, his tendency toward big, bad personality problems like narcissism and paranoia, and his ability to fulfill his potential. "Profiling Your Date" answers the pressing questions every woman has: 'What type of man should I be looking for? Who should I steer clear from? Is this a healthy relationship for me to be in right now? Is there a better relationship out there for me?'...
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Oriental Style. . Книги.
Жуковский, Ковров, Орск, Кострома, Энгельс, Северск, Ухта, Октябрьский,
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