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Семь Великих Тайн Космоса (аудиокнига MP3) Н. К. Рерих
Студия АРДИС. Антология мысли. В обширном наследии выдающегося русского художника, общественного деятеля, просветителя, путешественника, ученого-востоковеда Николая Константиновича Рериха есть и поэзия, и философская проза. Сборники стихотворений и страницы сказочно-мифологической прозы Рериха выразили нравственные и религиозные идеи, которым, через перо и кисть, была посвящена его жизнь. Близкий в своем мировоззрении к эстетике младосимволистов и философии Владимира Соловьева, Рерих видел преображение бытия в самосовершенствовании каждого через "положительные начала" - Добро, Красоту, Любовь и Братство. В основе всего творчества Рериха - мысль о всеобщей Любви. Его Философия - это синтез целеустремленной Мысли, художественного Образа и поэтической Метафоры. В книге "Семь Великих Тайн Космоса" в форме легенд рассказывается о рождении Космоса и Солнечной системы, о происхождении и развитии цивилизации с древности и до наших дней....
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Unfair Advantage: Workers' Freedom Of Association In The United States Under International Human Rights Standards (Human Rights Watch Books) Lance Compa
Book DescriptionWe are not shy about reporting human rights abuses around the globe. We are much more reluctant to recognize them at home. This book exposes the violations of human rights witnessed daily in workplaces across our country. Based on detailed case studies in a variety of sectors, it reveals an "unfair advantage" in U.S. law and practice that allows employers to fire or otherwise punish thousands of workers as they seek to exercise their rights of association and to exclude millions more fromlaws that protect their rights to bargain and to organize. Unfair Advantage approaches workers? use of organizing, collective bargaining, and strikes as an exercise of basic rights where workers are autonomous actors, not objects of unions?or employers? institutional interests. Both historical experience and a review of current conditions around the world indicate that strong, independent, democratic trade unions are vital for societies where human rights are......
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Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets G. Van Huylenbroeck
Book DescriptionThe agri-food sector is continuously confronted with major challenges. It is a complex sector in the economy because of its important societal implications and embeddedness within a broader rural system. Furthermore, the agricultural sector is a multi-agent sector with a complex chain of inputs, intermediates, outputs and markets that are highly regulated. Multi-agency and strong government regulation result in a complex institutional system. The aim of this book is to bring a selected state-of-the-art of the conceptual and empirical New Institutional Economics-inspired research by European agricultural economists. Besides the social environment, the two main components of the institutional environment are policies and markets. The title of this book tries to capture the main subjects. For a farmer, as an economic producing actor and social agent, his environment comprises of politics, markets and rurality, of which the first is seeking to get more ordering in the two......
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Strategic Human Resource Development Lyle Yorks
Book Description Human Resources Development is written with the primary purpose of covering core and emerging issues in Human Resource Development. The book?s secondary purpose is to offer a specific perspective on HRD, one that links the practice of HRD to enhancing organizational strategy and developing performance capability through learning interventions. This text begins with a strategic view of the organization from a general management perspective as a driver for the HRD function ?specifically creating a focus on strategic learning and developing performance throughout the organization. The goal of the text is to provide learners with a framework to understand the role of HRD in the strategic imperatives of an organization, the foundations of HRDpractice, and stimulate debate as to the role of HRD in today's organizations....
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Drive-Ins Joan Liftin
Trolley. It?s a summer night on the plains, a night for dreamers and lovers, a night for drive-in movies. In Chickasa, Oklahoma, and Turkey, Texas, Main Street is dark and shuttered. Out on the prairie there flickers the first reel of the movie. This is the boundless nostalgia of the drive-in, of the serene confidence of the United States in the 50s, when Korea was a far-off land and Vietnam wasn?t on the map, General Dwight D. Eisenhower was in the White House, and Edward Hopper captured the spirit of the age. It was remembered again in The Last Picture Show and by the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, when he sang My Home Town . There were 6,000 drive-ins across the Union then. There are 547 now. Idaho has The Spud, Texas had The Trail, and even New York City has the walk-in show in Bryant Park. The drive-in was born in 1933 in Camden, New Jersey, when an enterprising gas station owner projected a movie on his wall to entertain impatient customers. Since then the drive-in has......
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Семь Великих Тайн Космоса (аудиокнига MP3). Н. К. Рерих . Книги.
Элиста, Элиста, Рязань, Армавир, Октябрьский, Новокуйбышевск, Курск, Ростов-на-Дону, Новосибирск, Балаково, Сызрань, Дербент, Челябинск, Иркутск, Рыбинск, Дербент, Новокуйбышевск, Октябрьский, Салават, Псков, Энгельс, Новокузнецк, Бийск, Ачинск, Абакан, НижнийНовгород, Одинцово, Псков, Балаково,
Детская литература| Современные мелодрамы| Информационное право| История| История СССР| Медицина. Фармакология| Обучающие видеопрограммы для детей| Биографические фильмы| Фитнес| Индийские видеоклипы| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Экранизации современной прозы| Экранизации фантастической литературы| Военные комедии| Филологические науки| Строительство| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Кулинария. Напитки| Итальянский| Общий менеджмент| Социология в бизнесе. Социальная сфера.Соционика| Молодежные комедии| Детский детектив| Программы о туризме, путешествиях| Исторические фильмы| Алгебра. Геометрия| Тесты, ПДД|
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