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Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China
The earliest and most extensive literary engagement with wilderness in human history, Mountain Home is vital poetry that feels utterly contemporary. China's tradition of "rivers-and-mountains" poetry stretches across millennia. This is a plain-spoken poetry of immediate day-to-day experience, and yet seems most akin to China's grand landscape paintings. Although its wisdom is ancient, rooted in Taoist and Zen thought, the work feels utterly contemporary, especially as rendered here in Hinton's rich and accessible translations. Mountain Home collects poems from 5th- through 13th-century China and includes the poets Li Po, Po ChA?-i and Tu Fu. The "rivers-and-mountains" tradition covers a remarkable range of topics: comic domestic scenes, social protest, travel, sage recluses, and mountain landscapes shaped into forms of enlightenment. And within this range, the poems articulate the experience of living as an organic part of the natural world and its......
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Inhabiting: The Works of Isabelle Hayeur S. Bedard
Each photographic work by Isabelle Hayeur incorporates several images, using software to form an apparently seamless representation. Through her choice of images and themes, Hayeur expresses an anxiety about the way humanity has come to occupy the natural territory. The representation not only of a site but of what has happened to it turns her work into something akin to history painting. A history painting that expresses a moral judgment on the rapid degradation of the natural world while also making an acerbic comment on the residential folly that has led to the exponential growth of the suburbs. Numerous full-page color plates highlight the scale and detailing of the work....
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Quartz 2D Graphics for Mac OS X(R) Developers
R. Scott Thompson...
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Offical MBA Handbook 2005/2006
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Project Valuation Using Real Options: A Practitioner's Guide
Prasad Kodukula, Chandra Papudesu...
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Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China. . Книги.
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