Troilus and Cressida: The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare (Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies)

William Shakespeare

  Troilus and Cressida: The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare (Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies)  William Shakespeare  John Dover Wilson's New Shakespeare, published between 1921 and 1966, became the classic Cambridge edition of Shakespeare's plays and poems until the 1980s. The series, long since out-of-print, is now reissued. Each work contains a lengthy and lively introduction, main text, and substantial notes and glossary.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин John Dover Wilson's New Shakespeare, published between 1921 and 1966, became the classic Cambridge edition of Shakespeare's plays and poems until the 1980s. The series, long since out-of-print, is now reissued. Each work contains a lengthy and lively introduction, main text, and substantial notes and glossary....

Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region / Historismus und kulturelle Identitat im Raum Rhein-Maas: Tensions Between Nationalism and Regionalism ... und Nationalismus (Kadoc Artes)

  Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region / Historismus und kulturelle Identitat im Raum Rhein-Maas: Tensions Between Nationalism and Regionalism ... und Nationalismus (Kadoc Artes)  Based on the cultural insight that Based on the cultural insight that "historism"-understood as the projection of the past into the present by artistic means, or the "invention of tradition"-always occurs in close connection with the emergence of nation-states, this volume describes for the first time the cultural and denominational character and development of the Maas-Rhine region during the period between the French Revolution and World War I. Seventeen contributors shed light on the cultural identity of this Catholic-dominated core region of Europe....

Shadow In My Mind: Ghosts of Viet Nam

Tony Stephens

  Shadow In My Mind: Ghosts of Viet Nam  Tony Stephens  NIGHTMARES THAT STILL HAUNT MEI lived with the terrible feelings of resentment and abuse all of my young life. I thought I had been through the worse that life could throw at me. I was so wrong. I never knew just how wrong until I served thirteen months of pure Hell in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam. I witnessed, and lived through so many gut wrenching, fear induced nightmares that I thank God every night of my life for allowing me to live through it and return home with some assemblance of sanity and ability to adjust to a cruel ungrateful society  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин NIGHTMARES THAT STILL HAUNT MEI lived with the terrible feelings of resentment and abuse all of my young life. I thought I had been through the worse that life could throw at me. I was so wrong. I never knew just how wrong until I served thirteen months of pure Hell in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam. I witnessed, and lived through so many gut wrenching, fear induced nightmares that I thank God every night of my life for allowing me to live through it and return home with some assemblance of sanity and ability to adjust to a cruel ungrateful society...

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Ерохин Н.С., Коган Е.Я. и др.

  Международная конференция МСС-04 Международная конференция МСС-04 "Трансформация волн, когерентные структуры и турбулентность". 23-25 ноября 2004 г. Сборник трудов...

Власть и общество в Западной Европе в Средние века

Хачатурян Н.А.

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Troilus and Cressida: The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare (Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies). William Shakespeare . Книги.

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