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How Much Can I Make? 2007: Actual Sales, Expenses, and/or Profits on 112 Franchise Opportunities (How Much Can I Make?) Robert E. Bond
This guide provides historical sales, expense, and/or profit data on actual franchise operations to establish a solid basis on which to project earnings. Over 115 Earnings Claim Statements, prepared by the franchisors themselves, are included for 45 major industry categories, ranging from giants to smaller franchises. Given that franchisors are not allowed to make or discuss any financial projections besides those published in their Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, this hard-to-obtain data is especially useful. Detailed company profiles, worksheets, and the author’s commentary make this a must-read for anyone contemplating buying a franchise....
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Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Towards Disaster Resilient Societies
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Developing Science, Mathematics, and ICT Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Patterns and Promising Practices (World Bank Working Papers)
Wout Ottevanger, Jan Van Den Akker, Leo De Feiter...
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The Solo Practitioner's Guide to the Microsoft Office System (Vertiguide) Anthony T. Mann
The MicrosoftA® Office System is the most popular desktop suite of personal productivity tools and technologies. Because the Microsoft Office suite of tools is so comprehensive, it can be challenging for people in certain professions to understand how to use Office to perform tasks specific to their job. This book focuses on the tasks a solo practitioner performs every day?rather than the all too common software-centric approach that many other technology books habitually adopt. Other Microsoft Office books on the market are often difficult to understand because they largely address an Information Technology (IT) audience, cover too many professions in a single book, or are so large (more than 800 pages) as to be overwhelming. This book was written with solo practitioners in mind. In fact, this book was developed by consulting and interviewing industry experts, software trainers, technology experts, and of course, solo practitioners. The author learned exactly which topics were......
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Generation Debt Anya Kamenetz
An emerging spokesperson for a new generation passionately and persuasively addresses the grim state of young people today-and tells us how we can, and must, save our future. The nature of youth is to question. So when twenty-four-year-old Anya Kamenetz started out as a journalist, she began asking hard questions about her generation for which no one seemed to have good answers. Why were college students nationwide graduating with an average of more than $20,000 in student loans? Why were her friends thousands of dollars in credit-card debt? Why did so many jobs for people under thirty-five involve a plastic name badge, last only for the short-term, and not include benefits? With record deficits and threats to Social Security, what kind of future was shaping up for the nation's kids? Kamenetz became one of the youngest ever columnists for The Village Voice , where she earned a Pulitzer Prize nomination for her reporting on the new economics of being young. In ......
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На главную
How Much Can I Make? 2007: Actual Sales, Expenses, and/or Profits on 112 Franchise Opportunities (How Much Can I Make?). Robert E. Bond . Книги.
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