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The Web Collection: Macromedia Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, and Fireworks MX Sherry Bishop
Learn basic to intermediate skills of Macromedia Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver, helping you to create dynamic Web sites while integrating the tools of each application....
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Mobile Games: Creating Business with Nokia's N-Gage Jouni Paavilainen
NRG and Nokia deliver the book that teaches how to work within the complex, Nokia-proprietary wireless game development platform, N-Gage. Official documentation from Nokia for developers learning how to program mobile games that use the Nokia N-Gage platform. Technology has always driven the game industry forward and introduced newopportunities to create compelling user experiences and positive surprises forthe consumers. While technology has been the main driver, the importance ofusability cannot be underestimated. Today, the game industry is facing thechallenge and opportunity to bring games available for the population of over abillion cell phone users around the world. With this, cell phones are quicklybecoming a platform for game play and a largeone at that. Unlike consolegames, there are numerous platforms to play in the mobile game space, alsoknown as wireless game play, and mobile service providers play a large role inwhat games you can get and play. No matter what type of......
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Our Virtual World: The Transformation of Work, Play and Life via Technology Laku Chidambaram, Ilze Zigurs
Since the dawn of civilization, new technologies - from the plow to the locomotive to the computer- have transformed human lives. These changes have often been for the better, but occasionally also for the worse. Today's new technologies are no exception. They are dramatically changing the way we work, play and live. Our Virtual World: The Transformation of Work, Play and Life via Technology explores how these real changes have helped create our virtual world and examines the impact of these changes on individuals, organizations and society....
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VB6 UML Design and Development Jake Sturm
UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a powerful notational approach to object-oriented analysis, design and implementation. If you understand and can utilize UML, your object-oriented Visual Basic programming becomes much more logical and effective.UML allows you to design, plan and implement great Visual Basic programs. The ease of learning the fundamentals of Visual Basic often misleads VB programmers - there is a common misperception that effective VB programs can be built in an ad-hoc fashion, without thinking through the full ramifications of the programs being created. Object-oriented programming, and UML in particular, empowers VB programmers with a system of thinking, designing and implementing their programs in a more professional, robust manner. UML is a route to successful VB programming. This initiative started with the Wrox book, "Beginning VB5/6 Objects", which introduced the object-oriented methodology itself. Now, VB6 UML takes that initiative a stage......
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New in Photoshop 7 Bruce Heavin
New in Photoshop 7 is for users of past versions of Photoshop who don't need to relearn the entire program, but just want to know what's changed. The training CD-ROM includes instructional movies and exercise files that you can try out at your own pace. Movie-based tutorials tour you through the latest features that are exclusive to Photoshop 7, with an emphasis on practical, usable techniques and functions. If you have previous knowledge and understanding of Photoshop, then this is what you need to quickly get going and up to speed with Adobe's new Photoshop 7 feature set....
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The Web Collection: Macromedia Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, and Fireworks MX. Sherry Bishop . Книги.
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