Милость воеводы

Виктория Дьякова

  Милость воеводы  Виктория Дьякова  АСТ, Северо-Запад Пресс.   Боярская сотня.   Они всего лишь хотели сыграть в ролевую игру. Воссоздать великую битву далекого прошлого. Но - что-то случилось. Прошлое само настигло их и стало реальностью. Вихри времени забросили людей нашего столетия в кровавую эпоху царя Ивана Грозного. В страшные годы опричнины и бесконечных войн с Ливонским орденом. Здесь надо уметь сражаться. Здесь надо учиться выживать... Читайте АСТ, Северо-Запад Пресс. Боярская сотня. Они всего лишь хотели сыграть в ролевую игру. Воссоздать великую битву далекого прошлого. Но - что-то случилось. Прошлое само настигло их и стало реальностью. Вихри времени забросили людей нашего столетия в кровавую эпоху царя Ивана Грозного. В страшные годы опричнины и бесконечных войн с Ливонским орденом. Здесь надо уметь сражаться. Здесь надо учиться выживать... Читайте "Милость воеводы" - роман, продолжающий знаменитую серию "исторической фэнтези"....

Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 1

Михаил Алексеев

  Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 1  Михаил Алексеев  Молодая гвардия.   Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах.   Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 1.   Величие и простота советского солдата, его богатый духовный мир правдиво, с хорошим знанием военной жизни и добрым солдатским юмором раскрыты в известном романе Михаила Алексеева Молодая гвардия. Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Михаил Алексеев. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 1. Величие и простота советского солдата, его богатый духовный мир правдиво, с хорошим знанием военной жизни и добрым солдатским юмором раскрыты в известном романе Михаила Алексеева "Солдаты", который составляет первый том Собрания сочинений писателя. Вступительная статья Бориса Леонова....

Building Global Mindsets : An Attention-Based Perspective

Cyril Bouquet

  Building Global Mindsets : An Attention-Based Perspective  Cyril Bouquet  Book Description With trillions of internal company documents circulating in corporate offices everyday, it's easy to lose sight of priorities by concentrating on the wrong signals. Drawing from compelling research, Bouquet describes the attention practices of 136 global firms, thereby shedding new light on the relationship between global mindsets and overall company performance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description With trillions of internal company documents circulating in corporate offices everyday, it's easy to lose sight of priorities by concentrating on the wrong signals. Drawing from compelling research, Bouquet describes the attention practices of 136 global firms, thereby shedding new light on the relationship between global mindsets and overall company performance....

The Internship Advantage : Get Real-World Job Experience to Launch Your Career

Dario Bravo

  The Internship Advantage : Get Real-World Job Experience to Launch Your Career  Dario Bravo  Book DescriptionLanding the right internship in one's field can be a stressful and time-consuming undertaking. For both the student and the adult looking to change careers, this book offers essential insider information. It covers: - Internshipsin every field, including volunteer, study, and work opportunities, as well as ways to teach abroad - How to select and secure an internship in a competitive market - How to find an internship that fits one's schedule, abilities, and interests - What employers are really looking for in potential interns - How to assess personal strengths and work them into a resume - The five biggest interview mistakes - DOs and DON'Ts for making the most of one's time on the job - What todo if an internship turns out to be less than perfect - How to use internship experiences for future career success  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLanding the right internship in one's field can be a stressful and time-consuming undertaking. For both the student and the adult looking to change careers, this book offers essential insider information. It covers: - Internshipsin every field, including volunteer, study, and work opportunities, as well as ways to teach abroad - How to select and secure an internship in a competitive market - How to find an internship that fits one's schedule, abilities, and interests - What employers are really looking for in potential interns - How to assess personal strengths and work them into a resume - The five biggest interview mistakes - DOs and DON'Ts for making the most of one's time on the job - What todo if an internship turns out to be less than perfect - How to use internship experiences for future career success...

Ukraine's Trade Policy: A Strategy for Integration into Global Trade (World Bank Country Study)

  Ukraine's Trade Policy: A Strategy for Integration into Global Trade (World Bank Country Study)  Book DescriptionUkraine's Trade Policy identifies the key drivers of Ukraine's recent trade performance, assesses current trade policies, and proposes recommendations to strengthen the Ukraine?¦s trade integration strategy. It also identifies core bottlenecks in the ongoing integration processes, including global and regional integration. The study concludes that the main obstacles to furthering Ukraine?¦s trade integration are domestic, and relate to deficiencies in the businessenvironment. Problems in customs administration, standardization, and administrative barriers for new entry require immediate attention. The report highlights specific policy issues that hamper WTO accession, such as trade legislation, protection of intellectual property rights, government support for specific industries, and export restrictions. It also recommends improvements in the structure of Ukraine?¦s import tariffs, reform of both the regime of free economic zones and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionUkraine's Trade Policy identifies the key drivers of Ukraine's recent trade performance, assesses current trade policies, and proposes recommendations to strengthen the Ukraine?¦s trade integration strategy. It also identifies core bottlenecks in the ongoing integration processes, including global and regional integration. The study concludes that the main obstacles to furthering Ukraine?¦s trade integration are domestic, and relate to deficiencies in the businessenvironment. Problems in customs administration, standardization, and administrative barriers for new entry require immediate attention. The report highlights specific policy issues that hamper WTO accession, such as trade legislation, protection of intellectual property rights, government support for specific industries, and export restrictions. It also recommends improvements in the structure of Ukraine?¦s import tariffs, reform of both the regime of free economic zones and......

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Милость воеводы. Виктория Дьякова . Книги.

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