Managerial Accounting

Joseph G. Louderback

  Managerial Accounting  Joseph G. Louderback  The 9th edition of this innovative text continues to focus on how managers use accounting information in decision making, planning, and evaluating performance. Time is spent on the basic building blocks of managerial accounting while emphasizing conceptual topics. This text is ideal for both the undergraduate and graduate level managerial accounting course.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The 9th edition of this innovative text continues to focus on how managers use accounting information in decision making, planning, and evaluating performance. Time is spent on the basic building blocks of managerial accounting while emphasizing conceptual topics. This text is ideal for both the undergraduate and graduate level managerial accounting course....

Postwar Migration Patterns in Southern Europe, 1950-2000: An Economic Analysis

Alessandra Venturini

  Postwar Migration Patterns in Southern Europe, 1950-2000: An Economic Analysis  Alessandra Venturini  Managing migration promises to be one of the most difficult challenges of the twenty-first century. It will be even more difficult for Southern European countries, where emigration has leveled off and immigration has become a significant economic issue. This study combines a theoretical and empirical approach to fundamental migration issues in its analysis of Southern European migration. It considers the decision to migrate, and the effects on the country of departure and country of destination as well as the effectiveness of policies in managing migration.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Managing migration promises to be one of the most difficult challenges of the twenty-first century. It will be even more difficult for Southern European countries, where emigration has leveled off and immigration has become a significant economic issue. This study combines a theoretical and empirical approach to fundamental migration issues in its analysis of Southern European migration. It considers the decision to migrate, and the effects on the country of departure and country of destination as well as the effectiveness of policies in managing migration....

Developing Human Capital in American Manufacturing : A Case Study of Barriers to Training and Development

Elaine B. Crutchfield

  Developing Human Capital in American Manufacturing : A Case Study of Barriers to Training and Development  Elaine B. Crutchfield  This qualitative case study of an American manufacturing organization describes the barriers which limited its ability to receive maximum return on its investment for training and development resources invested in their human assets. Changing global economics have forced organizations to the realization that their competitive advantage lies in developing and tapping into their human assets or human capital. Professionals, managers, human resource development specialists, and academicians alike have developed theories supporting the systematic development of human assets to improve performance and achieve organizational business goals. This book examines how one organization, typically described as a High Performance Organization, attempted to put theory into application. Specifically, the book examines the concepts of needs assessment, systems theory, organization development, human capital theory, and performance improvement. The results find a systemic failure in human asset...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This qualitative case study of an American manufacturing organization describes the barriers which limited its ability to receive maximum return on its investment for training and development resources invested in their human assets. Changing global economics have forced organizations to the realization that their competitive advantage lies in developing and tapping into their human assets or human capital. Professionals, managers, human resource development specialists, and academicians alike have developed theories supporting the systematic development of human assets to improve performance and achieve organizational business goals. This book examines how one organization, typically described as a High Performance Organization, attempted to put theory into application. Specifically, the book examines the concepts of needs assessment, systems theory, organization development, human capital theory, and performance improvement. The results find a systemic failure in human asset......

Human Development Report 2002

United Nations Development Programme

  Human Development Report 2002  United Nations Development Programme  The Human Development Report 2002 discusses the dilemma of deepening democracy in a fragmented world. It examines the processes through which power holders can be made more accountable for their decisions, and how the marginalized can participate more effectively in the decisions that affect their lives. This year's Report explores how these principles can be advanced at the national and global levels and promotes an agenda of governance reforms for social justice. It is an important tool in the formulation of government policy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Human Development Report 2002 discusses the dilemma of deepening democracy in a fragmented world. It examines the processes through which power holders can be made more accountable for their decisions, and how the marginalized can participate more effectively in the decisions that affect their lives. This year's Report explores how these principles can be advanced at the national and global levels and promotes an agenda of governance reforms for social justice. It is an important tool in the formulation of government policy....

The Myth of Adam Smith

Salim Rashid

  The Myth of Adam Smith  Salim Rashid  This book presents a controversial account of the work of Adam Smith, challenging prevailing orthodox thought on Smith's contribution to economics. It argues that Smith's fame as an economic analyst and economic historian is undeserved. The book opens by introducing the reader to the author's own views, and then examines Adam Smith's analytical merits. In this exploration Salim Rashid considers two of Smith's most celebrated ideas - the division of labor and the market mechanism. He presents anhistorical review of the division of labor, focusing on what was original to Smith, and indicates why this was of limited value. He then discusses the concept of the invisible hand within the context of an understanding of how markets work. The author then questions whether Smith used historical facts with an open mind and desire to learn, or whether he used them to illustrate preconceived theories. Smith's applied economics are also studied in relation to his work on public...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents a controversial account of the work of Adam Smith, challenging prevailing orthodox thought on Smith's contribution to economics. It argues that Smith's fame as an economic analyst and economic historian is undeserved. The book opens by introducing the reader to the author's own views, and then examines Adam Smith's analytical merits. In this exploration Salim Rashid considers two of Smith's most celebrated ideas - the division of labor and the market mechanism. He presents anhistorical review of the division of labor, focusing on what was original to Smith, and indicates why this was of limited value. He then discusses the concept of the invisible hand within the context of an understanding of how markets work. The author then questions whether Smith used historical facts with an open mind and desire to learn, or whether he used them to illustrate preconceived theories. Smith's applied economics are also studied in relation to his work on public......

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Managerial Accounting. Joseph G. Louderback . Книги.

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