I Am Plastic: The Designer Toy Explosion

Paul Budnitz

  I Am Plastic: The Designer Toy Explosion  Paul Budnitz  In barely a decade, the designer toy craze, which originated in Hong Kong, has taken the world by storm. Children and adults, celebrities and design aficionados now line up to pay anywhere from five dollars to thousands of dollars for these highly inventve designer creations. I Am Plastic provides a colorful visual history of the phenomenon, which has energized not only the toy world but the global art community as well. Fashion designers, comic book artists, underground illustrators, grafiti and fine artists now lend their creativity to the task of coming up with innovative and striking new toy designs. Artists and toys featured in this stunning overview include Frank Kozik, Dalek, Gary Baseman, Bounty Hunter, Junko Mizuno, Jason Siu, Devlrobots, and Pete Fowler.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In barely a decade, the designer toy craze, which originated in Hong Kong, has taken the world by storm. Children and adults, celebrities and design aficionados now line up to pay anywhere from five dollars to thousands of dollars for these highly inventve designer creations. I Am Plastic provides a colorful visual history of the phenomenon, which has energized not only the toy world but the global art community as well. Fashion designers, comic book artists, underground illustrators, grafiti and fine artists now lend their creativity to the task of coming up with innovative and striking new toy designs. Artists and toys featured in this stunning overview include Frank Kozik, Dalek, Gary Baseman, Bounty Hunter, Junko Mizuno, Jason Siu, Devlrobots, and Pete Fowler....



  Fifty  Diesel  Diesel is a brand known worldwide for its creative, groundbreaking fashion and marketing. To celebrate the 50th birthday of its president founder Renzo Rosso, we are proud to present Fifty - a book that sums up and displays the unique Diesel attitude and lifestyle reflected in its collections, its business approach and its creativity applied to virtually anything, from communication to interior design. For the first time, the story of a company whose success has been built and thrives on creativity is offered in one publication. Fifty is made up of five chapters that convey the Diesel lifestyle and philosophy in an unconventional way. The book's first chapter features an insightful portrait of company visionary Renzo Rosso, followed by a second dedicated to the key moments in Diesel's history, from its Diesel is a brand known worldwide for its creative, groundbreaking fashion and marketing. To celebrate the 50th birthday of its president founder Renzo Rosso, we are proud to present Fifty - a book that sums up and displays the unique Diesel attitude and lifestyle reflected in its collections, its business approach and its creativity applied to virtually anything, from communication to interior design. For the first time, the story of a company whose success has been built and thrives on creativity is offered in one publication. Fifty is made up of five chapters that convey the Diesel lifestyle and philosophy in an unconventional way. The book's first chapter features an insightful portrait of company visionary Renzo Rosso, followed by a second dedicated to the key moments in Diesel's history, from its "jeans & workwear" beginnings to its current premium positioning. The third chapter presents the brand's innovative communication and retail approach while the fourth focuses on......

Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition

Thomas R. Peltier

  Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition  Thomas R. Peltier  Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition enables CIOs, CSOs, and MIS managers to understand when, why, and how risk assessments and analyses can be conducted effectively. This book discusses the principle of risk management and its three key elements: risk analysis, risk assessment, and vulnerability assessment. It examines the differences between quantitative and qualitative risk assessment, and details how various types of qualitative risk assessment can be applied to the assessment process. The text offers a thorough discussion of recent changes to FRAAP and the need to develop a pre-screening method for risk assessment and business impact analysis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition enables CIOs, CSOs, and MIS managers to understand when, why, and how risk assessments and analyses can be conducted effectively. This book discusses the principle of risk management and its three key elements: risk analysis, risk assessment, and vulnerability assessment. It examines the differences between quantitative and qualitative risk assessment, and details how various types of qualitative risk assessment can be applied to the assessment process. The text offers a thorough discussion of recent changes to FRAAP and the need to develop a pre-screening method for risk assessment and business impact analysis....

"Выздоровел Ваня - помогла ему баня!"

Людмила Кизима

  Крылов. Советы Галины Кизима. "Ах, баня, баня, баня - малиновый ты жар! Березовый, духмяный ты, веничек, попарь!" Вот мне и захотелось рассказать, чем была и есть для нас русская баня. Я напомню вам, дорогие читатели, как ухаживать за своим здоровьем с помощью лечебного пара и даров природы. Травы, цветы, плоды и коренья - благословенный дар Божий, не воспользоваться которым просто грешно. Искренне верю, что здесь вы найдете те советы, которые помогут именно вам". Людмила Кизима...

Гражданская авиация в России. 2007

  Гражданская авиация в России. 2007  Росстат.   В сборнике представлены статистические данные о работе воздушного транспорта. В соответствии с Общероссийским классификатором видов экономической деятельности (ОКВЭД) гражданская авиация позиционируется как Росстат. В сборнике представлены статистические данные о работе воздушного транспорта. В соответствии с Общероссийским классификатором видов экономической деятельности (ОКВЭД) гражданская авиация позиционируется как "Воздушный транспорт". Данные представлены в сравнении с железнодорожным и автомобильным транспортом. В сборнике приведены данные о наличии авиационной техники, финансовом состоянии воздушного транспорта, объемах перевозок пассажиров по видам сообщения за 2006 год в сравнении с предыдущими годами. Данные сформированы и рассчитаны в соответствии с современной методологией, что позволяет делать международные сопоставления. Для высшего управленческого персонала, руководителей и работников предприятий и организаций, научных и предпринимательских кругов, профессорско-преподавательского состава, аспирантов и студентов экономических вузов, других заинтересованных пользователей....

<<<  Instead of Three Wishes: Magical Short Stories. Megan ...             Тайны детей Адама. Л. Асанов >>>

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I Am Plastic: The Designer Toy Explosion. Paul Budnitz . Книги.

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