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Цепь Плутона Е. К. Мархинин
Мысль. XX век: Путешествия. Открытия. Исследования. Почти на две тысячи километров протянулась цепь вулканов Камчатки и Курильских островов. Много лет исследовал их деятельность Е.К.Мархинин - путешественник и ученый. Экспедиции его нередко были связаны с большим риском. Главным их итогом стала разработанная Е.К.Мархининым вулканическая теория образования внешних оболочек Земли, о которой он в яркой, популярной форме рассказывает в этой книге....
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The Leadership Scorecard (Improving Human Performance Series) Jack J. Phillips
Book DescriptionStrong leaders are essential to business success, which makes leadership development a business imperative in todays competitive environment. Leaders are needed that can do more than manage - leaders are needed that can make a business great. In addition, there is increasing pressure on organizations to demonstrate the wise investment of development dollars. This requires the effective use of leadership development methods, as well as the ability to demonstrate the success of those methods. The Leadership Scorecard combines an explanation and discussion on best practice leadership development methods and incorporates ROI measurement & evaluation methodology. · Helps HR practitioners implement & evaluate leadership development programs · Shows how to communicate and overcome barriers to implementation · Combines theory and practical case studies to illustrate developing a scorecard approachDownload DescriptionStrong leaders are essential......
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Accounting 1-26 and Integrator CD (6th Edition) (Charles T Horngren Series in Accounting) Charles T. Horngren
Book Description This book introduces readers to all of the key financial and management accounting concepts. It motivates learners by familiarizing them with the accounting issues facing companies such as Target, Nantucket Nectars, Teva, Oracle, and a variety of companies doing e-Business. Users can assess their understanding of chapter topics with “CyberCoach” and “Starter Exercise” features, “Working It Out” problems, and unique “Concept Links.” For individuals preparing for a career in accounting....
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Recapturing the Growth Track : Correcting Leaders' Disempowering Behaviors Ken Utech
Book DescriptionThis book answers the question virtually every manager and most CEOs are asking: Why doesn't this organization perform better? To re-energize their companies, CEOs must understand the source of their inconsistent behavior by examining their true driving values, working with managers and employees to raise and resolve issues sooner, setting goals and personal development plans, and more....
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Вигвам для братвы Дмитрий Черкасов
АСТ, Астрель-СПб. Убойно Смешной Детектив. Эта книга для любителей хорошей умной пародии; для ценителей вечных ценностей: любви и дружбы; для ревнителей чистоты традиций жанра пародийного и иронического детектива....
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Цепь Плутона. Е. К. Мархинин . Книги.
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Журналы для детей и о детях| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Мистика| Иронический детектив| Универсальные| Зарубежная фэнтези| Все сказки мира| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Биографии композиторов| Религия. Оккультизм. Эзотерика| Киберпанк и виртуальная реальность| Научная фантастика| Алгебра. Геометрия| Аудит| Графические редакторы, верстка| Экология| Театр. Сценическое искусство|
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