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Десять негритят Агата Кристи
Эксмо. Вся Кристи. Десять никак не связанных между собой людей в особняке на уединенном острове... Кто вызвал их сюда таинственным приглашением? Зачем кто-то убивает их, одного за другим, самыми невероятными способами? Почему все происходящее так тесно переплетено с веселым детским стишком?...
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Для мальчиков
Стрекоза. Волшебная кисточка. Чтобы рисовать в этой книжке-раскраске, тебе не нужны краски. Просто обмакни кисточку в воду и проведи ею по картинке. Словно по мановению волшебной палочки, рисунки станут яркими....
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Break The Silence Joan & Gang, Nature Suddon
I am a nature lover that is working on healing from the effects of child sexual abuse. I thought up most of the poems while walking in the woods. Nature is the place that I feel the safest now and as a child. I still connect outside better than I do inside. I kept the abuse a secret for 30 yrs. Once my mind started to free the memories, I was flood with them. I would have Flashbacks that word put me back to that age feeling as I did then. There were body memories that made my body feel the way it did when the abuse happen. Some times it would take me days to get over these. They would hit any time and any place. I had help from my doctors, my therapist, medications and even hospital stays. I was diagnosed with PTSD, DID major depression and anxiety disorder. It is full of ups and downs. This as been a rough journey, but one well worth it. This is my journey thru poems and journaling. A journey that is still going. I hope this book helps you on your own journey....
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Cameroon Business and Investment Opportunities Yearbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Cameroon Business and Investment Opportunities Yearbook...
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Banking Crises and Bankruptcy for Profit in Turkey Bartu Soral
The internationalization and deregulation of domestic financial systems since the 1980s has increased the risks and propensity of failure in national banking systems and financial markets, as experienced in Russia, Brazil and Asia. Through an insightful analysis of confidential information secured after the fall of Esbank in Turkey, this book shows that bankruptcy for profit, namely looting and outright fraud, was an important cause of the Turkish banking crisis during the 1990s. Looting primarily involved lending the bank's resources to firms that were directly controlled by the parent company - also the largest shareholder of the bank. The failure to establish an effective system of regulation and supervision against financial liberalization, the politicized regulatory environment that controls entry into and exit from the banking system, the provision of 100 % deposit insurance, and the failure to penalize outright fraud and illegal behavior all paved the way to bankruptcy for......
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Десять негритят. Агата Кристи . Книги.
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