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Contemporary Color Steven Bleicher
Book Description This beautifully produced and lavishly illustrated introduction to contemporary color offers working artists valuable insight into traditional color theory while examining the effective use of color in digital applications and 3D design work. Written by a leading design educator whose work is widely exhibited, Contemporary Color features a balanced examination of theory and its practical application in a technology-driven world. Topics range from color perception, color harmonies, pigments, colorants, and paints to digital color and 3D design. An intriguing discussion of the psychological impact of color and the future of color add a stimulating dimension to the book. Thoughtful contributions on creativity and best practices round out the inclusive coverage....
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Accounting and Financial System Reform in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Russia Robert W. McGee
Book Description Much has been written about the economic and political problems of countries that are in the process of changing from centrally planned systems to market systems. Most studies have focused on the economic, legal, political, and sociological problems these economies have had to face during the transition period. However, not much has been written about the dramatic changes that have to be made to the accounting and financial system of a transition economy. Accounting and Financial System Reform in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Russia was written to help fill that gap....
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Taxing the Hard-to-Tax: Lessons from Theory and Practice, Volume 268 (Contributions to Economic Analysis) J. Alm
Book DescriptionThe goal of this edited volume is to take a hard, objective look at the many different aspects of taxing the hard-to-tax, as well as the many different approaches that have been employed around the world. In the developed and developing world, taxing certain kinds of activities, sectors, or individuals - the so-called "hard-to-tax" - is a challenge for governments. In the past, the practical side of this issue has received some attention, mainly from those working in the trenches of tax administration. There has also been some analytical work on such things as "presumptive" taxation, as well as some empirical work on measuring the hard-to-tax. However, the lessons from all of this work have been very unevenly disseminated, and there are clearly many unresolved issues. With the steady advance of such things as globalization, internet commerce, and tax shelters, the issues in taxing the hard-to-tax will become even more pressing....
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Creating the Marketing Experience : New Strategies for Building Relationships with Your Target Market Joe Marconi
Book Description Companies small and large are concerned about the increased difficulty in developing marketing vehicles that cut through the clutter and make a positive impact on sales-resistant prospects. To promote products effectively and optimize results, marketers must use all of the tools at their disposal in an integrated plan. In his latest book, marketing and PR authority Joe Marconi helps companies create and maintain an effective marketing experience. Noting that marketing productivity is on the decline due to saturation of sales messages, increased customer indifference, and easily copied competitive advantage, this cutting-edge book illustrates that people need to feel kinship with the product and the marketer. Packed with case studies, thebook helps marketers create the contexts in which prospects can experience the brand on their own terms without an interrupting sales pitch. Combining the best of publicity/PR and marketing, the book reflects the growth of integrated......
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The HEART of Selling Jacqui Sakowski
Book DescriptionIn her book "The HEART of Selling", sales consultant Jacqui Sakowski shares her insights into how to become a sales professional with whom others with to do business. From rookies just setting out in their sales careers to experiences practitioners with many accomplishments to their names, incorporating HEART into their work will take every sales professional's performance to a higher level....
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На главную
Contemporary Color. Steven Bleicher . Книги.
Щёлково, Абакан, Люберцы, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Елец, НижнийНовгород, Рыбинск, Оренбург, Новокуйбышевск, Королёв, Щёлково, Томск, Подольск, Златоуст, Стерлитамак,
Методы "слепого" набора текста| Микроэлектроника, интегральные схемы| Исторические личности| Программы о психологии и человеке| Военные и армейские боевики| Древний мир| Стратегии (Strategy)| Загадки, кроссворды| Строительные материалы| Журналы и периодика| Бокс| Сборники, игровые энциклопедии, модификации (MOD)| Цена и ценообразование| Кулинария| Общественные науки| Коллекции изображений| Индийские мелодрамы| Познавательная литература| Зарубежная фантастика| Шпионаж и политика| Актеры.| Оригами (Бумага для поделок)| Фильмы-катастрофы| Классический зарубежный детектив| Математика| Индийские триллеры| Познавательная литература| Первая мировая и гражданская война| Энциклопедии и справочники| Химические науки| Учебные| Киноарт, фестивали и награды| Все о человеке| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Киберпанк и виртуальная реальность| Макроэкономика| Древний мир (до XV века)| История бизнеса. Мемуары и биографии бизнесменов|
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