Variations, Rondos and other works for solo piano

  Variations, Rondos and other works for solo piano  Mozart  Mozart  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mozart...

Песни войны и Победы

  Песни войны и Победы  Трибуна, Голос-Пресс.   Книга Трибуна, Голос-Пресс. Книга "Песни войны и Победы" была задумана в редакции газеты "Трибуна" как подарок к 60-летию Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне ее участникам и всем, кому дорога наша история. В книгу вошли не только многие из известных песен военных и послевоенных лет, но история их создания, воспоминания ветеранов, письма читателей, высказывания видных государственных деятелей, представителей культуры, выдающихся спортсменов....

Medical Tourism in Developing Countries

Milica Z. Bookman, Karla R. Bookman

  Medical Tourism in Developing Countries  Milica Z. Bookman, Karla R. Bookman  Palgrave Macmillan.   Western patients are increasingly traveling to developing countries for health care and developing countries are increasingly offering their skills and facilities to paying foreign customers. This international trade in medical services has huge economic potential for developing countries and serious implications for health care across the globe. The potential is explored in this book through analysis of the market for medical tourism and identification of its link to economic growth. The authors propose that medical tourism is not a universally feasible growth strategy. Instead, it is successful only in countries with economic and political advantages that enable them to navigate around international and domestic obstacles to trade in medical services. It is also suggested that a successful medical tourism industry, when coupled with cooperation between the private and public sectors, may lead to public health improvements in developing countries. Формат: 14,5 см x 22 cм.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Palgrave Macmillan. Western patients are increasingly traveling to developing countries for health care and developing countries are increasingly offering their skills and facilities to paying foreign customers. This international trade in medical services has huge economic potential for developing countries and serious implications for health care across the globe. The potential is explored in this book through analysis of the market for medical tourism and identification of its link to economic growth. The authors propose that medical tourism is not a universally feasible growth strategy. Instead, it is successful only in countries with economic and political advantages that enable them to navigate around international and domestic obstacles to trade in medical services. It is also suggested that a successful medical tourism industry, when coupled with cooperation between the private and public sectors, may lead to public health improvements in developing countries. Формат: 14,5 см x 22 cм....

The Ecology and Conservation of Asian Hornbills: Farmers of the Forest

Margaret F. Kinnaird, Timothy G. O'Brien

  The Ecology and Conservation of Asian Hornbills: Farmers of the Forest  Margaret F. Kinnaird, Timothy G. O'Brien  University of Chicago Press.   Hornbills are among the world's most distinct birds. Easily recognized by their oversized beaks adorned with large casques, they range from Africa to India and throughout Asia. One of the oldest bird orders, they have been known to mankind for millennia and loom large in the mythology of indigenous cultures of tropical Asia. In the past thirty years, ecologists have uncovered many fascinating aspects of hornbill biology, from their unique nest-sealing behavior to their roles as farmers of the forest. Building on fourteen years of research, Margaret F.Kinnaird and Timothy G.O'Brien offer in University of Chicago Press. Hornbills are among the world's most distinct birds. Easily recognized by their oversized beaks adorned with large casques, they range from Africa to India and throughout Asia. One of the oldest bird orders, they have been known to mankind for millennia and loom large in the mythology of indigenous cultures of tropical Asia. In the past thirty years, ecologists have uncovered many fascinating aspects of hornbill biology, from their unique nest-sealing behavior to their roles as farmers of the forest. Building on fourteen years of research, Margaret F.Kinnaird and Timothy G.O'Brien offer in "Ecology and Conservation of Asian Hornbills" the most up-to-date information on the evolution, reproduction, feeding ecology, and movement patterns of thirty-one species of Asian hornbills. The authors address questions of ecological functionality, ecosystem services, and keystone relationships, as well as the disturbing influence of forest loss and fragmentation on hornbills. Complemented by......

The Accidental Explorer

  The Accidental Explorer  Sherry Simpson  Sherry Simpson  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sherry Simpson...

<<<  Электронная почта и ее защита. А. В. Михайлов             Упражнения по логике. В. И. Кириллов, Г. А. Орлов, ... >>>

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Variations, Rondos and other works for solo piano. Mozart . Книги.

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