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Learning Library
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Was the "Trojan horse" really a horse? What is inside a camel's hump? When...? How...? Why...? Why not...? This amazing single volume is a treasure trove of information and will provide the answers to these questions and more. Specially written for children ages 6 -12 covering an array of subjects children just long to learn about like space, animals, and places around the world. The book has over 500 pages and is divided into 17 wonderful sections with over 900 photos and illustrations. Within each section the articles have Did you Know? tabs which are fun facts related to the topics. A further great feature is Search Light this asks questions which will clearly see if the young learner has an understanding of the article they are reading - the answer can be found in an inverted colour coded box at the foot of each page. This is an absolute must for any child's book collection. Формат: 22 см x 28 см....
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Мировая литература. Энциклопедия
Росмэн-Пресс. Энциклопедия. Эта книга посвящена мировой литературе, точнее, литературам России, Западной Европы и Америки. Знания, которые вы почерпнете здесь, помогут вам и в жизни, и в школе. На уроках вы сможете в нужный момент продемонстрировать свою эрудицию, обеспечить себе отличные отметки. Но чтобы по-настоящему знать литературу, недостаточно прочесть даже самую полную энциклопедию. Главное в изучении литературы - это, разумеется, чтение книг, а энциклопедия поможет вам подобрать интересные, важные и нужные книги, определить свой круг чтения и как следует разобраться в прочитанном....
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Idioms at Work Vera McLay
Thomson Heinle. Idioms at Work presents and tests 150 of the commonest English idioms. Each idiom is presented in a natural dialogue context. Simple explanations in 5 languages - English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. 3 Progress Tests. Humorous cartoons throughout. For class use or self-study. For general or business students. For intermediate level and above. Формат: 15 см x 21 см....
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Guide to Dental Front Office Administration ICDC Publishing Inc.
Guide to Dental Front Office Administration provides readers with all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to achieve success as a dental administrator. The book introduces readers to the dental practice, before proceeding on to the more in-depth procedures and practices of the dental front office. All aspects of the dental front office environment are covered. Content includes a variety of subjects such as creating new charts, welcoming patients, tooth morphology, stress and time management, communication, the billing process, as well as appointment setting and call-backs. Dental Assistants/ Administrators or anyone interested in how to run an office in the Dental field....
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The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult Millicent King Channell, David C. Mason
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers. This pocket-sized book is the first osteopathic clinical manual to be organized by diagnoses in a two-page, quick-reference format. In the tradition of The 5-Minute Consult Series, each diagnosis is presented on a two-page spread. The first page has a definition of the disease, a list of associated autonomic and motor innervations, and a list of common somatic dysfunctions. The second page lists the techniques that might be used for those somatic dysfunctions. The second page is further subdivided into three levels of treatment: 2-minute, 5-minute, and extended. Next to each technique is the corresponding ICD-9 code for billing. Photos and schematic drawings are included. The fully searchable online text is included with purchase of this book....
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Learning Library. . Книги.
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Приключенческие комедии| Современные культы и секты| Семейные комедии| Спортивные программы| Фильмы-катастрофы| Информационное право| Журналы для детей и о детях| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Подводный мир и дайвинг| Черный юмор| Фармакология. Рецептура. Токсикология| Звук и музыка| Видеопрограммы о животных| Вторая мировая война| История России XVII - начала ХХ вв.| Экономическая география| Филологические науки| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Филологические науки| Люди шоу-бизнеса| Фондовый рынок| Графика| На немецком языке| Конструкторы из картона. Умная бумага| Немецкий| Бардовская песня и шансон| Автомобиль| Бухучет отдельных операций|
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