Дети Хурина

Дж. Р. Р. Толкин

  Дети Хурина  Дж. Р. Р. Толкин  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Последнее произведение великого Джона Рональда Руэла Толкина. Книга, рукопись которой подготовил к публикации и отредактировал сын Толкина Кристофер. История короля Хурина и его сына, проклятого героя Турина Турамбара, жребием коего было нести погибель всем, кого он полюбит. История черных дней эльфийских королевств Средиземья, одного за другим падавших под натиском сил Темного Властелина Моргота… История лучшего друга Турина - эльфийского воина Белега Куталиона - и его сестры Ниэнор... История великого подвига и великой скорби.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва. Последнее произведение великого Джона Рональда Руэла Толкина. Книга, рукопись которой подготовил к публикации и отредактировал сын Толкина Кристофер. История короля Хурина и его сына, проклятого героя Турина Турамбара, жребием коего было нести погибель всем, кого он полюбит. История черных дней эльфийских королевств Средиземья, одного за другим падавших под натиском сил Темного Властелина Моргота… История лучшего друга Турина - эльфийского воина Белега Куталиона - и его сестры Ниэнор... История великого подвига и великой скорби....

Дневник воспитателя группы продленного дня

Н. Б. Иванова, О. В. Дюкина

  Дневник воспитателя группы продленного дня  Н. Б. Иванова, О. В. Дюкина  ВАКО.   В издании ВАКО. В издании "Дневник воспитателя группы продленного дня" предлагается информация для воспитателя: Организация и планирование воспитательной работы; Система учета сведений об учащихся; Планирование занятий в ГПД; Примерная тематика родительских собраний; Сценарии игр, физкультминутки; Развивающие упражнения; Должностные инструкции педагогического коллектива....

The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

  The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary  Oxford University Press.   Acclaimed by language professionals the world over, the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary leads the field. The dictionary is based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks of real language, both written and spoken, making it the most comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date dictionary of French and English available today. And now, it has even better coverage of the language, with improved treatment of acronyms and EU terminology, as well as thousands of new words in both English and French. The dictionary is a must for any serious student of the French language. It is tailored to the needs of the market in consultation with key academic advisors. This edition contains even more useful information for the language student abroad - sample bills and rent agreements help you orientate yourself in a new culture. Alternatively, it is an essential reference tool for the shelves of a second home. It is the most up-to-date and complete French dictionary of its size.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. Acclaimed by language professionals the world over, the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary leads the field. The dictionary is based on the statistical evidence of vast electronic databanks of real language, both written and spoken, making it the most comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date dictionary of French and English available today. And now, it has even better coverage of the language, with improved treatment of acronyms and EU terminology, as well as thousands of new words in both English and French. The dictionary is a must for any serious student of the French language. It is tailored to the needs of the market in consultation with key academic advisors. This edition contains even more useful information for the language student abroad - sample bills and rent agreements help you orientate yourself in a new culture. Alternatively, it is an essential reference tool for the shelves of a second home. It is the most up-to-date and complete French dictionary of its size....

Principles of Neural Science (Principles of Neural Science (Kandel))

Eric R. Kandel

  Principles of Neural Science (Principles of Neural Science (Kandel))  Eric R. Kandel  Now in resplendent color, the new edition continues to define the latest in the scientific understanding of the brain, the nervous system, and human behavior. Each chapter is thoroughly revised and includes the impact of molecular biology in the mechanisms underlying developmental processes and in the pathogenesis of disease. Important features to this edition include a new chapter - Genes and Behavior; a complete updating of development of the nervous system; the genetic basis of neurological and psychiatric disease; cognitive neuroscience of perception, planning, action, motivation and memory; ion channel mechanisms; and much more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now in resplendent color, the new edition continues to define the latest in the scientific understanding of the brain, the nervous system, and human behavior. Each chapter is thoroughly revised and includes the impact of molecular biology in the mechanisms underlying developmental processes and in the pathogenesis of disease. Important features to this edition include a new chapter - Genes and Behavior; a complete updating of development of the nervous system; the genetic basis of neurological and psychiatric disease; cognitive neuroscience of perception, planning, action, motivation and memory; ion channel mechanisms; and much more....

The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience

Rob Hopkins

  The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience  Rob Hopkins  We live in an oil-dependent world, arriving at this level of dependency in a very short space of time by treating petroleum as if it were in infinite supply. Most of us avoid thinking about what happens when oil runs out (or becomes prohibitively expensive), but The Transition Handbook shows how the inevitable and profound changes ahead can have a positive outcome. These changes can lead to the rebirth of local communities that will grow more of their own food, generate their own power, and build their own houses using local materials. They can also encourage the development of local currencies to keep money in the local area.There are now over 30 ?transition towns? in the UK, Australia and New Zealand with more joining as the idea takes off. They provide valuable experience and lessons-learned for those of us on this side of the Atlantic. With little proactive thinking at the governmental level, communities are taking matters into their own hands and acting locally. If your town is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин We live in an oil-dependent world, arriving at this level of dependency in a very short space of time by treating petroleum as if it were in infinite supply. Most of us avoid thinking about what happens when oil runs out (or becomes prohibitively expensive), but The Transition Handbook shows how the inevitable and profound changes ahead can have a positive outcome. These changes can lead to the rebirth of local communities that will grow more of their own food, generate their own power, and build their own houses using local materials. They can also encourage the development of local currencies to keep money in the local area.There are now over 30 ?transition towns? in the UK, Australia and New Zealand with more joining as the idea takes off. They provide valuable experience and lessons-learned for those of us on this side of the Atlantic. With little proactive thinking at the governmental level, communities are taking matters into their own hands and acting locally. If your town is......

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Дети Хурина. Дж. Р. Р. Толкин . Книги.

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