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Quantum Medicine: A Guide to the New Medicine of the 21st Century Paul Yanick
Book DescriptionDr.Paul Yanick introduces readers of all ages to how they can achieve maximum health and longevity by using nutrient-rich Quantum Foods that aid natural detoxification processes and support the body's own hormone production. Readers will learn how to detoxify the body with protective, energy-producing Quantum Foods, lose weight and keep it off with the unique Quantum Nutrition plan that addresses the hormonal/pollutant connection, enhance immunity against the onslaught of powerful new bacteria and viruses, improve sexual performance by eliminating pollutants that block sex hormones, and age-proof both mind and body....
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How to Improve Your Child's Eyesight Naturally: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide Janet Goodrich
Book Description This is a staple reference book for parents who wish to preserve and improve their child’s eyesight. Filled with practical and imaginative exercises, this comprehensive resource includes detailed instructions for reversing eyesight blur, tips for adjusting living environments to support healthy vision, and hints for dealing proactively with doctors. The 90 scientifically based vision games and songs are fun, age-appropriate, and reinforce good vision habits....
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SuburbiaNation : Reading Suburban Landscape in Twentieth-Century American Fiction and Film Robert A. Beuka
Book Description Green lawns, swimming pools, backyard barbecues: welcome to suburbia, the promised land of the American middle class. Or is it? To judge by the depiction of suburbia in prominent works of American fiction and film, the suburbs are also home to dysfunctional families, broken communities, and widespread misery. Clearly, despite the continued popularity of the suburbs as a place to live, the prevailing image of suburbia has changed markedly since the days of Leave It to Beaver and Father Knows Best . In this book, Robert Beuka argues that in order to begin to understand our conflicted relationship toward the suburbs, we need to understand how suburbia has come to be defined through its representation in the popular media and arts. SuburbiaNation looks carefully at the suburban landscape through the lens of fiction and of film, and Beuka weaves together such classics as It's a Wonderful Life , The Stepford Wives , The Great......
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Camber Don Mckay
Book DescriptionThe poetry of Don McKay is renowned for its piquant wit, lyric emotion, and pitch-perfect vernacular music. His work has received national acclaim and the recognition of many awards, including the Governor General’s Award for Poetry, which he has won twice, and, most recently, from the prestigious and internationally known Griffin Poetry Prize, for which his most recent book was a finalist. Camber is the lilt in the physics of flight, the anti-gravitational alchemy ofboth wings and poetry. It is also at the heart of the poetry of Don McKay. Spanning three decades, and drawing on all of McKay’s major collections, this selection distills the essence of his craft and provides an overview of, and an ideal introduction to, the work to date of one of Canada’s most celebrated poets....
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Wink: The Incredible Life and Epic Journey of Jimmy Winkfield Ed Hotaling
Book Description "After a number of up-the-track finishes by authors trying to emulate the success of Laura Hillenbrand's bestselling Seabiscuit: An American Legend , a worthy successor has at last broken out of the pack . . .Winkfield's story isso incredible you'll find yourself wondering why you've never heard it before." --MSNBC "One of the most extraordinary stories in sports history is also one of its least known. Jimmy Winkfield was a gifted jockey and a remarkably intrepid man, and his life was a singular adventure. His is a story of persistence, hardship, and triumph, and it should be long remembered."—Laura Hillenbrand, author of Seabiscuit: An American Legend "In the entire sweep of American sports, from the days of a roistering John L. Sullivan in the 19th Century through the Tiger Woods phenomenon of the 21st, no figure made a bolder and more original odyssey of his life than Jimmy Winkfield, the poor son of former slaves whose......
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Quantum Medicine: A Guide to the New Medicine of the 21st Century. Paul Yanick . Книги.
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