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Coyote Soul, Raven Heart : Meditations Of A Hunter-Wanderer Reg Darling
Book Description Coyote Soul, Raven Heart is wild. It roams and howls like a coyote. It cavorts in the air like a raven. It meditates like a silent hunter. It mirrors the forests that spawned it. Powerful and perceptive, this wandering contemplation is a celebration of our hunter-gatherer heritage and a passionate call not merely for its preservation, but for its renewal. Darling explores the meaning of wildness in the Alleghenies, the tundra of the far north, the marshes along the Chesapeake Bay, and the inner terrain of the human spirit. ?Let?s make offerings to the creatures of the forest and pray to the ravens. Wild meat will nourish us without clogging our arteries or our souls. We will laugh and weep and sweat. We will drink from the spring of our original freedom. Only our skills can get us there. We must invent a new and ancient way of relating to the world. We are an endangered species. Failure is not one of our options.? Download......
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Pat Schroeder: A Woman of the House (Women's Biography Series, V. 1.) Joan A. Lowy
Book DescriptionThe leading feminist in Congress for nearly twenty-five years, Pat Schroeder was elected in 1972. Beloved by the left and despised by the right, she was at the forefront of a new wave of assertive women lawmakers who refused to play by the old rules. This is the first biography of the outspoken Colorado Democrat, who has remained in the limelight since leaving public office. Schroeder's political career began at a time when many congressional committees were still controlled by a southern gerontocracy. She quickly established a reputation for speaking out in support of left-of-center causes that few of her colleagues would take on. Her razor wit and a talent for creating sound bites endeared her to the media (she coined the phrase "the Teflon president" to describe Ronald Reagan). But she proved equally adept at wielding influence in the vanguard of change. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, she was instrumental in passing legislation to end sexism......
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The Ghost's Grave Peg Kehret
Book DescriptionWhat Josh thought would be the dullest summer of his life, spent with his eccentric great-aunt, turns chilling when he meets the ghost of a coal miner killed in a mine explosion. Willie has been waiting years for some kind soul to dig up his leg and rebury it with the rest of him?only then will he be at peace. Josh agrees to do the grisly deed, but when he digs in the old cemetery, he finds more than Willie?s leg bones! Who buried the box of cash in the grave, and why? How farwill that person go to get the money back? The Ghost?s Grave is a deliciously spooky adventure from a master of suspense....
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Метафизика в древней Греции С. Н. Трубецкой
Мысль. Философское наследие. Классический труд видного русского философа Сергея Николаевича Трубецкого (1862-1905) представляет собой систематическое изложение истории древнегреческой философии, главным образом до Сократа. Этот период все еще остается недостаточно исследованным в отечественной литературе, и работа С. Н. Трубецкого до сего дня является одной из основополагающих при изучении истории философии....
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Дизайн в Швеции. История концепций и эволюция форм М. А. Тимофеева
РГГУ. Книга представляет собой расширенный вариант лекционного курса для студентов Российско-шведского научно-учебного центра РГГУ. Тема мало изучена, и в России по ней практически не было фундаментальных публикаций. Автор занимается этой проблемой давно, книга - итог многих лет работы над темой. В ней использованы как российские материалы, так и те, которые автору удалось изучить в Швеции. Дизайн в Швеции - это самостоятельная ветвь культуры, компонент шведской модели государства благосостояния. Шведский дизайн - предмет национальной гордости шведов. Книга предназначена для всех, кто интересуется проблемами художественной и проектной культуры, а также историей и культурой Швеции и других Северных стран....
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Coyote Soul, Raven Heart : Meditations Of A Hunter-Wanderer. Reg Darling . Книги.
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