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Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook (ENHANCED OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK) J. Michael Farr
* The most useful, current, and comprehensive career reference available! * More job descriptions than any other book?nearly 8,000! * Easy to use?organized around the user-friendly structure of the "Occupational Outlook Handbook!" Readers can find virtually everything under the sun with respect to job descriptions and details in this fifth edition of the "Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook." That's because the "EOOH" combines information from the three most authoritative occupational data sources. Access is easy because the "EOOH" uses the same user-friendly clusters of related jobs as the "Occupational Outlook Handbook," 2004-2005 Edition. The complete, well-written narratives from the "OOH" are included (270+). Then related job descriptions from the government's latest O*NET database (more than 750) are appended to the "OOH" descriptions, as are titles and brief descriptions from the "Dictionary of Occupational Titles" (nearly 7,000). The result?......
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Medicare Tomorrow: The Report of the Century Foundation Task Force on Medicare Reform Lisa A. Potetz, Thomas H. Rice, Century Foundation Task Force on Medicare Reform, TCF
While many changes were made to the Medicare program as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the system still faces financing troubles, and reform of the program has become one of the nation's central domestic issues. This report covers the recent changes in Medicare, evaluating how they affect all parties: Medicare beneficiaries and their families, taxpayers, and health care providers and purchasers. Arguing that policymakers ought to focus on what a well-designed Medicare program should look like rather than dwelling on Medicare's potential financing troubles, the report puts forth principles that should be the basis of any reform of the Medicare system....
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Conflict and Organizations: Communicative Processes (Suny Series, Human Communication Processes) Anne Maydan Nicotera
This collection provides a well-rounded view of organizational conflict in three broad categories: ways of thinking about organizational conflict, individual processes, and interaction processes. It enriches the positivistic literature on conflict and organizations with a focus on non-reductionistic views of conflict, individual and interactive processes of conflict, conflict management (as opposed to resolution), and the constructive nature of conflict--aiming at understanding rather than prescription. Recounting the history of the study of organizational conflict, the book presents alternative views to the traditional positivistic approach and the traditional assumption that conflict is destructive. Rather, conflict is seen as a naturally-occurringhuman phenomenon, which may manifest itself on different levels with negative or positive outcomes. The book also focuses on the individual, showing how predisposition or skills impact on conflict in the organization, and vice versa. It......
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Microsoft Data Mining: Integrated Business Intelligence for e-Commerce and Knowledge Management Barry De Ville
Microsoft Data Mining approaches data mining from the particular perspective of IT professionals using Microsoft data management technologies. The author explains the new data mining capabilities in Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 database, Commerce Server,and other products, details the Microsoft OLE DB for Data Mining standard, and gives readers best practices for using all of them. The book bridges the previously specialized field of data mining with the new technologies and methods that are quickly making it an important mainstream tool for companies of all sizes. Data mining refers to a set of technologies and techniques by which IT professionals search large databases of information (such as those contained by SQL Server) for patterns and trends. Traditionally important in finance, telecommunication, and other information-intensive fields, data mining increasingly helps companies better understand and serve their customers by revealing buying patterns and related interests.......
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Broadband Access Technology, Interfaces and Management (Artech House Telecommunications Library) Alex Gillespie, Gillespie
Here's an exciting book that gives you a comprehensive understanding of the emerging and proven technologies that allow high-speed remote access to the Internet and to broadband services such as Video-on-Demand. It shows you how to design the network that provides broadband links between end-users and service providers, and the operations systems that control networks. From discussions on broadband and IP signaling to an examination of ADSL and optical transmission, this book reveals the path beyondconventional telephone and ISDN lines and guides you in planning the evolution of ATM and IP networks. It covers mature ATM, SONET/SDH and IP technologies, more recent ADSL and VB5 technology, and future optical and WDM technology as applied to ATM PONs and IP. Over 200 illustrations help to clarify key concepts....
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На главную
Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook (ENHANCED OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK). J. Michael Farr . Книги.
Тюмень, Кострома, Копейск, Элиста, Димитровград, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Северск, Нальчик, Прокопьевск, Владикавказ, Магнитогорск, Октябрьский, Екатеринбург, Невинномысск, Новый Уренгой, Москв, Новокузнецк, Великие Луки, Ангарск, Иркутск, Химки,
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